*Warning - Nintendo Wii no longer compatable, not such a bargain after all.

Just bought a heap of Wii fitness equipment for our school that has been advertised recently, ie(Cyberbike 2, Dance Revolution) and a new Wii console. Basically the Nintendo Wii no longer has the ports to plug in the equipment (even though the games and peripherals have the Nintendo Wii tradmark etc). Spoke to Nintendo Australia, they confirmed the Wii is no longer compatable for such accessories as they have released a revised Wii. I will return the goods as 'not fit for purpose' under consumer law. Nintendo Australia feel that I am unable to do this, as the console works fine, but is a 'totally new console'. To which I replied, why are you still calling it a Wii then?? It seems you have released a Nintendo 'Poo'. If it is a 'new console' then label it appropriately. Just a warning to others, as we are a regional school, and have paid delivery charges on all this gear, and it doesn't work.


  • Did you buy Wii U games?

  • +1

    I assume you have a Wii U, not a Wii. They are different things. Just ask anyone who purcahsed a Surface tablet rather than a Surface Pro.

    If you want a Wii buy a Wii.

    Edit: Sorry looks like the Wii has legacy ports removed too. Disregard this comment.

  • +1

    You mean it doesn't have the Gamecube controller ports?

    They removed those late 2011.

  • +2

    Those ports were removed a very long time ago, and yes, it was a douche move on their part - even more douche that they also removed them from the Wii U and broke all that backwards compatibility too. It wasn't widely publicised though many on the internet have spoken about it.

    However I don't think you'll win the court case. The box of the Wii won't have game cube ports written on the side, and the other stuff you bought will say requires a Wii with gamecube ports. The only way you'd have a case is if you bought them all together and a salesperson had said they would all work together.

    Sorry for your problems though. This really could happen to anyone.

  • +1

    Just buy a secondhand old Wii with the ports. Local secondhand shops around here are practically giving them away. Or pick one up on eBay.

  • Sure you not talking about the new wii mini console releases in recent months? The new mini wii has lots of the extras taken away hense the cheap price

    • The one only released in Canada? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have purchased THAT one.

  • +4

    I don't think a consumer should have to follow or know every modification a hardware manufacturer makes. If they sell a console called Wii and accessories that are described as "for Wii" then it is reasonable to expect that they will work together.

    If there are versions of Wii that don't support some of the "accessories for Wii" then that should be spelled out very explicitly. Not only on the box which an online purchaser will only get to see upon delivery - it should be prominently mentioned in the description of both items.

    • +1

      Reading the other comments and you're right, this is totally ridiculous. Try contacting Dept of Fair Trading, they might be able to contact Nintendo on your behalf.

  • Thanks for everyone's feedback. We did go down the avenue of purchasing an old second hand unit to do the job. The fact that all the big retail stores are still selling accessories with the old ports right next to the current Wii really annoys me. I'll let the dept of Fair Traiding know, then just vote with my feet. No more Nintendo gear will be purchased, their attitude towards their customers is rubbish.

    • We have a lot of Nintendo gear at home, currently running the Wii and WiiU too, with even the Cube still getting some use at Nan's. Son has saved all his old Game Boys too up to the current 3DS etc. so I can at least personally vouch for Nintendo's durability. Buying an older unit to suit your newly purchased games was probably the best action for you to do in the circumstances; feel certain you will get some good value there. You can still pick up some other excellent Wii bargains too to go with it. I agree it is a confusing scenario with all the upgrades (been there!) but perhaps the sales persons should have made it clear what equipment will play with what peripherals for you. I always check with salespeople first and get them to explain things before I buy anything. Pity Nintendo were not more helpful (bad PR on their part has been noticed here I must say). It can be really annoying that latest equipment is not more backward compatible, especially when older games are still being sold. Come on Nintendo; surely you should be looking out for the interests of your regular customers more.

      • Nintendo often release a "dumbed down" version of their console towards the end of it's life cycle to make a final cash in before it's inevitable end. It must be hard for the average consumer to keep track of such things!

    • Make sure the kids are gentle with the Cyberbike as by using it in a school you are invalidating the warranty as they are sold as home use only!

  • -3

    I had a similar problem.

    last weekend a german bloke with poor english asked me back to his house for what I thought was a TV gaming session after he said to me "Wii you".

    we laugh about it now.

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