Chrome unresponsive

I find Chrome becomes unresponsive quite frequently and it unreliable.

Is there anything that improves it's reliability?


  • Never had any problem like that. How much RAM do you have? PC? Tablet?

  • It's a PC, where do I see how much RAM? I know it was doubled. Chrome crashed repeatedly y'day when trying to upload photos to a website.

  • Not sure, should be under About Machine or something like that, I seldom use Windows.

    Is your copy of Chrome up to date? Latest is 31.something. Is your Windows software up to date?

  • I have the same problem! Not sure what causes it though

    It's playing up on my Xperia Z too. The page would sometimes show as black and only after you scroll that it would show the page. Sometimes I need to close and re open chrome to show the page.

  • +1

    OK Chrome is up-to-date 32.etc.

    Still running XP and just remembered it will no longer be supported past April. Geez, if it's not one thing it's another(my fav silliest moaning saying)now what to do.

    • '+1' for your fave moaning saying. Its my hubby's too :)

  • Switch to Linux, e.g. Ubuntu or Linuxmint, unless there are some programs that must run on XP.

    But while on XP, there are two free programs I found that will improve XP. One is bleachbit which will clean up crud you didn't know you had. The other is ultradefrag which does a better job that the MS one.

  • Yeah I have had probs like this too. How many tabs do you have open? Chrome uses HEAPS of memory. As soon as you get 10 tabs open the system runs out of memory and random stuff starts happening.
    I used to like Chrome when it was lean but now its fat and slow.

  • I try to be restrained and not have 10 windows open, esp when it seems to be wobbly.

  • I had the same problem. Chrome crashing constantly, freezing etc.
    reinstalled OS thinking it was that.
    Turns out I had a dying ram stick. Guess that Internet browsers use ram quite intensively so this is where the dodgy ram will be most evident.

  • +1

    Use the free version of Revo Uninstaller to remove Chrome and all of the leftovers. Then restart the PC. Reinstall a fresh/new Chrome & see if that does it for you.

    It's usually a program glitch doing what you describe. It could be corrupt or one of the add-ons is screwing it up. Start with a plain-jane Chrome & install add-ons one at a time, a day apart, to see when/if the behaviour returns.


  • Ok thanks. I have Revo uninstall so will get rid of it and reinstall. In the end it would not upload any photos at all yesterday.

    • +1

      Do a system clean of C drive (right-click>disk cleanup) & then defrag ahead of the reinstall- that'll help, as well. I use Auslogic defrag.

  • I used Revo to uninstall Chrome and turned the computer off for a while. Now back on and tried to down load Chrome and it says I already have it and to download a more recent version. Revo doesn't seem to have cleared it.

    A new and toattly different problem that I have never had before … Outlook won't let me open linksin emails and to contact the administaror which I don't have. OMG can I throw this out of the window. And what is Revo Hunter?

    • +1

      If you're using Internet Explorer to download Chrome, go into tools & clear cookies/cache/temp files.

      Also, check your old Chrome profile has been deleted:

      Go here for the direct, stand-alone downloads for Chrome:…

      Once that's done & Chrome is restored, Outlook will now open links. What's happened is that when you originally chose to make Chrome your default browser- then deleted it- Outlook isn't smart enough to revert to IE to do it for you.

      You can also go into default programs & tell it to use IE instead of Chrome.


  • clicking on URLs in emails always took me via Firefox, but recently Chrome took over. How can I resume Firefox? (XP and Outlook 2003 on a desktop)

    • +1

      Whichever browser is "in control"- or "default" will handle the links unless you tell it otherwise. Make Firefox the default if you want it to open links.


      • Thanks Geekomatic for the response.
        However that microsoft link didn't help because it was all about which application to use for particular file types and it didn't seem to apply to URLs.
        I did sort it out though by getting into Firefox, Tools, Options, advanced, general, and choosing "make FIrefox the default browser".
        This does seem back to front like the tail wagging the dog. I would have thought that there would be an option in Outlook to choose which browser is selected when clicking on a link in an email, but can't find such an option.

  • well, what a frustrating couple of days. Used Revo and uninstalled Firefox and Chrome and Avast and was able to reinstall FF and Avast, but when I try to reinstall Chrome, it says it's still there and go to the control panel and remove, but Chrome is not shown in the control panel list or anywhere.

    I'll look more at Geeko's advice of an hour ago after stopping for a meal break to save my sanity.

  • I assume Windows.

    Start>programs>accessories>system restore. Choose a point far beyond when you believe this first happened. Restore. Report back.

    "well, what a frustrating couple of days. Used Revo and uninstalled Firefox and Chrome and Avast and was able to reinstall FF and Avast, but when I try to reinstall Chrome, it says it's still there and go to the control panel and remove, but Chrome is not shown in the control panel list or anywhere."

    Welcome to the world of I.T. help…no one can possibly predict the variables…


  • Thanks for that, in general, it is working a bit faster at the moment with the rego scrub, defrag and unin/reinstall etc. Deleted a lot of progress downloads too.

    Yep, Windows and looking at "Start>programs>accessories>system restore", doesn't show 'system restore' there.

    I've got Stockholm syndrome and am nervous about actually going backwards and undo some good. Would still like to get Chrome back. Off to the gym to work off frustration.

    • My bad- it might be in the Start>programs>accessories>system tools…search for it in the search box. I run Linux Mint, myself- & work mainly now w/Vista- Win8 on client machines. I'm getting less & less XP work, as it's headed for "end of life" in April.

      System restore only returns system files back to the date selected- anything you've created yourself stays. However, as we all know that there's sometimes a devil in there ;) best to have important data backed up beforehand. When you get into system restore- there may be points going back a month or more. Just choose one from prior to when you began experiencing issues. If it completes, yet doesn't help, you can always "undo" the restore.


  • Hit the Windows key + R, then type in dxdiag. Post the CPU info and RAM. If its XP, its probably running on older hardware that is likely failing. Or, if the RAM was doubled, it may be incompatible with what RAM you had before. And yes, I'd move off XP asap. Its horribly insecure and wonky compared to a modern OS.

  • Ethereal, that says 1022MB Ram but can't find CPU info. The ram doubling was some years ago and it's been pretty consistent otherwise. There's been advice here about getting off XP. Must admit, not sure what on to or how to do it.

    • You can see the CPU model on the BIOS screen. Also somewhere in Hardware Info, maybe under Control Panel.

      If you don't need it for any XP specific app, and just want to surf, or even do some document processing, with Libreoffice for example, Linux can step in.

      Post the model of your laptop and we can help check if Ubuntu/some other distro will work with it. At the same time you could search for "<model> Ubuntu" or "<model> Linux" and see if you come up with any success stories installing Linux, and any caveats.

  • It's a desk top embarrassingly old, CPU info - is this it: Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz 2.79 GHz.

    Yeah mostly cruising around the net - I call it research, emails, some word docs, photos that sorta thing. If the CPU does not reveal anything important, I'll look into Linux. Cheers

    • Desktops are usually not an issue for Linux, laptops are more likely to have proprietary hardware that Linux doesn't have drivers for. Ubuntu and many other Linux distros come on a Live CD or an image can be written to a USB stick that you can boot off without touching the hard disk to see if you like it first.

  • Thanks for all your help. As Firefox is running again, I have shelved plans for the moment to get Chrome back as I've had to catch up w' a few other things. I'll revisit this whole thread when I get a round tuit.

    Cheers for the help and advice.

  • That Pentium 4 + 1GB RAM is your problem. Modern smartphones are faster. Its slowing everything down.

  • Should I get a new one or update the one I have? I can use this one, even though yes it's very slow and would prefer faster.

    • +1


      charity computers, NSW

      There are many places who refurb business machines & then give or sell super-cheap.

      Here in WA, I go & pick up these units for pensioners- then get them set up on the 'net.

      The entire system costs $100 (or $80 when they have a clear out). That includes, monitor, keyboard, mouse, & desktop PC: dual-core, 160GB Hard drive, 2GB RAM, Win7 Pro, MS Office basic (Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint viewer).

      Sometimes, they get better units- last go around, I got 3 i5's with 3GB RAM, DVD burner, 250GB HDD- for $140 each…


      • No point getting some old refurb box. A $50 G1810 from MSY with 4GB RAM would be twice as fast as that P4 while using half the power, and the CPU + RAM + MOBO would be around $200. Have MSY put together a basic build for you. If you go for an i3 for an extra $80 it would be three times as fast.

        • +1

          "No point getting some old refurb box."

          That's quite a wide & incorrect brush you're using. The charity computer places generally do not take in rubbish computers. Did you read the specs I posted?

          "The entire system costs $100 (or $80 when they have a clear out). That includes, monitor, keyboard, mouse, & desktop PC: dual-core, 160GB Hard drive, 2GB RAM, Win7 Pro, MS Office basic (Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint viewer)."

          The units turned in to our place here are business-grade- all sturdy & very nice. Monitors range from 20 - 24". There are also other units with higher specs- but as the OP says they do basic tasks, then anything of recent vintage would seem like a rocket compared to what they've been working with? There's also the added benefit of not having to go through the learning curve of Win 8.

          The trouble with your suggestion is the same as others- no one actually includes the operating system cost into the equation. $200 is for 3 pieces of the puzzle. There's no case, PSU, HDD, DVD drive, keyboard, mouse, nor monitor. Also, add in another $100- 200 for MS Office. Now do a tally.

          Not everyone can afford to go out & pay hundreds for a computer. Rather than struggle along with ancient & no longer viable equipment, making a move to a re-worked computer gives more for the money whilst helping the environment.

  • Geeko, good on you for doing something useful for others.

    etheral I agree, go for something new at least twice or 3 times as fast. Energy efficiency is a serous consideration.

    i3? Don't know what any of these specs are, but I'll note them and go to a place that builds … ?

    AND, why does sitting near a tower make a person so hot, is it merely the heat given off or something more health worrying?

  • Geeko, I looked for a local charity refurber and didn't see anything within what I'd call driving distance.

  • +1

    Hi anna,

    If you can message me your general location- I'll look around for you. Not being from NSW, all I can go by is a basic search.


  • BTW, re XP, it is now to be supported till April (or thereabouts) 2015 because so many people complained that Win8 is not good. Apparently, Win9 is going to fix all that, so they say.

  • Ok greenpossum. It's interesting that about 1 in 3 people still use XP. I guess from what I've read, Win 7 may suit me best, unless they're going to back off that as well.

    • If you are going to stick with Windows, you might as well install Win 8.1 for best performance with the classic shell for the old school pre-tablet look.

      I still think a lightweight Linux distro will breathe new life into your desktop if all you want to is surf and other straightforward things.

  • I don't like the look and reviews of Win8. I'll have another look when 9 comes out. Ok for now - till the next crash.

    • That's not the same thing. The Chrome OS is a different beast from the Chrome browser, though related, and found on computers like the Chromebook.

  • Geez, I really am not a techo .. Anyway, let's hope an Aussie gets the dough.

    • Actually I hope nobody gets the dough, or if somebody gets the dough, the security holes are fixed up. Good for everybody.

  • Yep, it's a good marketing strategy, and will test it and 'says' how confident they must be. So, I do hope someone here gets the dough and it's all well tested, not that it affects me.

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