Is Warcom having a laugh?

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  • I think the conversation regarding this product might have gone something like this…

    Guy 1: "Argh, we need to sell these things and fast…"

    Guy 2: "If we overprice it, maybe someone will think these are laptops with hologram projections and think its a bargain"

    Guy 1: "You're are genius!!!"

    But lol, i know there is a niche of people that might want these… but for $100+ no thanks…

  • +3
    • hahaha omg lol +1

    • Hehehehe, posting this up on my Facebook for my uncle. He has a 12yo Nokia brick phone and reckons it's best thing since sliced bread. (Though it did outlast both my 2 iPhones, my S3 and my Nexus 4)

  • It does 12 characters per second - that's much faster than my typing on a normal keyboard. Goodbye touchtyping lessons!

  • Hmmmm I don't know. My mother has no clue about computers and has been typing out business invoices for 30+ years and she still is. She has an electronic typewriter and it works for them. But yeah….. The pricetag is a bit errrr you know? Yes that's it! Out there.

  • +1

    We gave an electronic typewriter like this to my grandma a few years ago, when her arthritis made it impossible to write. She was about 95 at the time and it worked a charm, as she wasn't scared off by technology she couldn't handle.

  • +1

    Not really out of the ordinary, I've seen imternationally listed companies still use type writers to write on paper with special letter heads. The low techness of it ensures only certain people have access to it.

  • Don't they type out court room proceedings on something like this? Or has it changed.. Never been to court :( its what I see in movies!

  • It's surprising how much typewriters still fetch on the secondary market. Check completed listings for non-electronic Brother typewriters and you'll find they're $75-$100. My inlaws had a couple of Brother typewriters and managed to eBay the pair for $150 a while ago.

  • mate, that type writer is awesome! I am surprised that people actually buy them too though ..

    And before anyone else says anything, that can of Dickens Cider is practically an antique now!

    We wish we had more cans in stock.

    It was actually a really nice drink. Much better than red bull!

  • does it support voice dictation? or handwriting recognition?

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