Scrap metal - what is it worth?

have a friend in the outer Sydney area who has lots of scrap metal to get rid of (3 or 4 old fridges, dishwasher, oven, and various bike frames and car parts) wonder what is the best way to do this, and can he expect to receive any payment for any of it?


  • do a google for sims metal and ask them directly. They have a couple of centres.

    I have no idea about the metal from the items your friend has, but scrappers go after metal that's worth more like copper and take the piping out of the items if left on the side of the road.

  • In complete appliances it is often not worth the time, they might take it off you for free.

  • Bike frames/Car parts will be treated as scrap metal, expect between 18-23 cents a kilo ($180-230/tonne), if he strips the plastic/contaminents from the white goods, he might get the same- although they might put it down as mixed (about half the price), any copper is worth salvaging separately, looking at between $2.70-$3.00/kilo there… You'll unlikely find the prices that scrappy's are offering online, the only way to find out exactly is to call them… Generally, once you find a place, just drive there with your trailer/ute, weigh before and after unloading and they'll pay you on that…

  • thanks, do not have a trailer or ute to take it and it is really heavy stuff, so might try and get someone to come to me, sounds like there is not many $$ to make and do not have any copper.. thanks

    • Too easy… there will be copper in the fridge, but possibly not enough to go through the effort of stripping it, particularly if you have no way of getting it to a scrappy, you'll almost certainly find someone to pick it up for you I would have thought…

  • There's always the council's clean up service if he is not expected to get paid anyway.

  • thanks he would like it gone sooner rather than later, and council pick up is weeks away, and they would not be happy to have all the stuff out on the sidewalk, I will ring some local people.

    • Not sure about his local council but City of Sydney Council does weekly pick-up - just gotta call them the day before.

      Another suggestion is to post an ad on Gumtree. Should be easy enough to find someone to take a few freebies, whether to sell as scrap or to use (assuming they're still in working order). Anyway, good luck with that.

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