What do you do with your hosting (other than the obvious)?

Just wondering if anyone does anything cool with their web hosting other than obviously host pages ie direct their nas to it or anything fancy like that?


  • +2

    Run some highly addictive website?

    Those $1/month cPanel shared hosting are quite limited. Once you are willing to spend USD$20-$30/year for a cheap VPS (usually in US or EU), there are lots of things you can do with those little servers. For me it's usually downloading something, processing it, and then email me interesting results. Running esniper to snipe eBay auctions?

    • Cheap VPS's are too addictive! You can run your own dropbox like file sync, a remote desktop that works on your tablet or phone, own VPN, VPS monitoring tools (because you have too many cheap VPS's and you need to keep track of them), the list goes on.

      • +1

        because you have too many cheap VPS's and you need to keep track of them

        Used to have this problem a few years ago and have to consolidate them (after buyers remorse). But yeah, if you know your Linux commands, once you went with VPS you wouldn't want to touch anything else that doesn't give you root.

    • No point in getting one then?

      • Well I think if you like tinkering you can spend heaps of time on them…

  • Hmm. So there is web hosting on vps that gives root? Do want! What providers are good?

  • I run nzbmegasearch on one as a Usenet index aggregator.

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