
Trying to find the cheapest place to buy quinoa. Haven't seen the macro organic quinoa at woolworths for a few months and the price of 500g quinoa at coles has had a massive price increase from around $7 to around $10 a packet. Any assistance would be appreciated.


  • I'm not sure how good this is compared to other places, but my girlfriend gets hers from http://www.goodness.com.au/

  • Costco has the best priced organic Quinoa. 1.81kg for $12.

    • Agreed. I couldn't remember the exact price, but knew it was significantly cheaper than anywhere else I had seen it.

    • That is a really good price. I don't have membership to shop there but thanks for the suggestion.

  • The current international price is crazy compared to what it was just 7 years ago.

    Even in Bolivia I think they now they pay like 30 Bolivianos/$5 a kilo, which is very expensive for them, and ironically it was always seen as the native poor man's food.

    Every dish with quinoa I had in South America was tasteless but maybe it's the way they prepare it? Without roasting/frying you probably don't get that nutty flavour people keep talking about.

    I ordered a cous cous in a trendy vegetarian Bolivian restaurant and they used quinoa instead of semolina without a mention in the menu. For the record it also turned out tasteless :(

    • Yep it's our appetite for quinoa that's driven up the price for locals. Sad

    • Has something happened recently for such a large price increase at coles though? Also the disappearance of the macro organic quinoa at woolworths in recent months makes me wonder whether there is supply issue? I'm just guessing.

  • David Lynch Cooks Quinoa

  • not really news….. but a recent comment on quinoa et al….


    and this from last year


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