Does Karma really exist ?

I just saw a guy who posted a deal as he paid for an Ipad Air Wifi and got a cellular version. It reminds me of the story which I have experienced myself.

Early last year, I walked into JB in World Square to buy an Ipad 4 Wifi 64GB for i think around $698.

The sale person gave me the docket and I went to the counter to pay. Once I paid, I collected the Ipad 4 and made sure it was the 64GB version.

As I walked out of the store, I checked my invoice and noticed the sale person has actually put it through as a 16GB version which is around $548.

I decided to walk back to the counter and told them about the mistake, they of course made me pay the $150 difference.

As I walked out of the store again, the same sale guy told me "You could have just walked off".

"I should have" - I replied.

4 of my friends who were there laughed at me and said I should have just walked off and I said karma would find me one day.

I then went overseas in the next week and went up to TRS. They looked at the invoice and decided that they would only refund me the $548 as the extra $150 was charge as some random item which i couldn't present. It turned out JB staff should have reverted the 16GB version sale and initiate a new 64GB version, instead they just put that $150 through on some random item which I couldn't remember.

Until this day, I'm still wondering if I should have walked back in.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi


  • Does the receipt still say the 16gb version?
    Hopefully you won't have any warranty issues since your receipt won't match your product.

    • Receipt still says 16GB version. But once it registered with apple, i got the warranty under the 64GB version as it checked against the serial number.

  • +9

    hi mate - theres is no right or wrong answer to this as it will depend on the kind of experience u have.. but i try to add my few 2 cents & may be that clears ur mind or confuses u more ;)

    I guess What u did was the ryt thing to do and thats what ur heart or mind told U to do…. u did a good karma..
    But u shud also keep in mind that real karma is what to do without the intention of getting anything back or without the expectation of a happy result/return for you…

    once u start expecting the whole concept of KARMA takes a back seat.. U start thinking i did this, so i should get this OR i gave someone xyz so someone should give me abc thing back…

    This is what almost everyone does all the time but sadly KARMA doesnt work that way.. The result/FRUIT of ur good karma will/may come back to you at any point & there is every possibly that you wont recognize it at that time… You may realise it after some time (days/months/yrs) & it could be in any form money/material/relation etc..

    hope that gives u abit more insight to the world of KARMA.. IN short a rough translation of KARMA is…
    "Do your duty at the level best,without expecting any gain or loss"

    to put in your context you might not get your 150 + GST back but this good KARMA of returnin may get u something else which is useful & beneficial for u in the long run…


    • Nicely said. I didn't expect anything back from anyone though. I'm just annoyed by doing the right thing, I still got screwed over by JB staff. haha

      • yeah thats the worst part when someone rubs it in ur face… happens some times to me as well

  • tomleonhart,
    A great question and topic.

    Personally, had I been you, I would have walked and said nothing.
    However, had the same thing happened in a corner store, I would have said something.
    Likewise in a restaurant, when the waiter/ess buggers up the bill, I would say something.

    Because your personally hurting someone.

    Well, JB is not really a person, ok the shareholders are, but the board of directors draw a salary that will eclipse any do gooding you may do.

    I guess its a bit like Robin Hood.

    Karma philosophy exists due inequalities amongst people.

    • Oh OK….So the rightness or wrongness of an act is a function of how badly the target is likely to be affected? And by what standard will the target be judged as being worth or not worthy of being "ripped-off"….and who will decide that standard?

      You mention the guy at the corner store….what if he was wealthy…a multi-millionaire….would your opinion change?


  • Well what would have happened if you didn't go back? Would there be any issues getting trs since 64gb did not match the 16gb invoice?

    • They don't check specifics of the item when claiming the tax, in this instance, they wouldn't check if the unit was 64gb or 16gb. They just look at the receipt and glance at the item (from my experiences at Sydney Airport). So it would've been fine.

      The problem here is, is that OP is getting less money back because its calculated from the $548 total, rather than the $698 total.

  • +6

    You did the right thing. That is really all there is to it.
    You did it because you knew what was right and had the integrity to follow through.
    Anything more than that is a bonus.

  • -1

    Whether the right thing or wrong thing was done here is a question rooted in personal and group/societal morality and nothing more.

    The question here is does karma exist and to answer this question one must look to science and pure logic. What logical or scientific evidence is there for the existence of karma? None that I can see! It may certainly exist as a social meme…but as a magical universal force…there is no evidence for anyone to say that it does exist.

    With this said…you obviously believe (without evidence) in the existence of karma. So you are forced to ponder an important question…did you return the item because it was morally the right thing to do….or because of your fear of punishment at a later day by karma? If there was a solid guarantee that you would suffer no repercussions…a solid guarantee…would you have kept walking?


    • +5

      I walked back in because it was the right thing to do. I had always done it.

      In 2008, I bought a $100 game card that you can scratch to get the credit. I got home and realised the storekeeper gave me two. I drove back to the store and gave it back to them, just because it was the right thing to do.

      The karma question is just a bitter statement of all the annoying problem that follow through with doing the right thing.

      • agree with BrantRaven.

        and regarding the annoying problem that follow through with doing the right thing, that's irrelevant to Karma. the idea of karma can be completely unrelated fortune and luck.

  • +1

    Sometimes we did the right thing and will pay for other mistakes.

    Just few months back had problem with target. I bought an xbox for the cashback deal. The old lady charged me twice. For some reason its not showing in their system and only can see it in my bank statement. Talked with the manager of target he didnt know what is happening and asked me to speak with my bank. Contacted my back and they told me they need to do an investigation where is the money went if target didnt receive it, and i should go back to target to see if they able to find it. Went back to target and they couldnt find it and suggest if i give it couple of days they may receive it. After a week no sign of the money in target and the manager decided to give me the money just to end the story(which was nice of him) after couples of days got call from my bank they were able to locate the money and for some reason it didnt go through. So they refunded it to me. Wich mean got the xbox for FREE plus the cashback offer ($100). But wasnt happy with that and went to target to pay it off. Hahaha the funny part is when the manager saw me he thought i have another problem but surprised when i told him i got a refund from the bank and want to pay the amont back.

    And now more likly i will have problem with the cashback offer, as the first receipt has been cancelled and got new receipt for that and dont forget the west of time and petrol

  • Let me ask you a question instead: Do you think karma is a entity whose existence can be proven or disproven from one data point? My reading of your post is that you think it is.

    • +1

      No you cannot ask question.
      Answer first biatch :)

  • +2

    Your point about the JB staff not doing the right thing, raises a thought.

    Did you mention to them that you were going to get a TRS refund?

    So adding the $150 or so was lazy by them, but I would be likely to say that if they had known that they would have redone the invoice. They could have been lazy or maybe didnt want to delay you as a refund and reissue would have taken time etc.

    Now if they knew the implications and frankly if you did as well, they would/should have reissued you with the correct invoice.

    I also would like some clarification. If they were questioning and not allowing the $150 why did they give you any money back at all. If they looked at the iPad, you carried out would be different to the one you bought, so it wouldnt be eligible.

    Were they at least on that score being benevolent, because you could have been carrying out a lesser item you bought months before and selling the newer item? So they would have been in their rights to refuse any refund.

    Fortunately they did allow for that.

    Now the Karma thing.

    Your message tells me that if I buy anything that requires a TRS refund, then I better be sure it's got the correct paperwork. So thanks for sharing and for that you should add to your Karma score.

    Karma works (IMHO) this way.

    Its to help one understand what is the right thing to do, when you learn from a mistake the Karma goes, there isn't some magic accounting procedure, its an energy thing, vibrate good, and you attract good, vibrate bad and you attract bad, so while your vibration was good in the JB store and on the honesty level, maybe there was some bad vibes on the taxation level, hence you only getting some of your tax back. Remember your 2005 tax return?

    Also the other issue with Karma is how do you know what is truly right. There are some radical elements in all societies who believe in what they are doing is right whereas we believe they are wrong… so now we open up our philosophy text books.

    In some ways we just have to move on, water under the bridge… oops there's that philosophy thing again

  • -6

    Hahahahahahahahahahha. Stooge. The whole point is to take advantage of anything as often as possible otherwise you might as well just bend over and take it like the other sheep.

  • And yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus!!

  • +3

    There is no karma. There's just honesty and dishonesty. I don't know what TRS is, but I would have gone back to JB, reminded them of the purchase, and asked for them to fix the situation because I'd been honest with THEM - now it was THEIR turn.

  • G2U not only delivered us $25 free food, but also credited the credit card with $25. My partner called them about this "error" and can they please reverse the credit, and they were apologetic about the stuff up about the discount code, etc. and said the credit was a goodwill gesture.

  • How would you feel about the situation if you did take advantage of the error and kept walking?

  • -4

    I like this quote. I asked god for a bike, but I realised that I should steal one and pray for forgiveness.

    Another question is the ethics of claiming TRS and returning with the items when it is designed for goods staying overseas.

    • +1

      its under $900. no gst to be charged when coming back.
      its ok.

  • I believe in karma and reincarnation.

  • +5

    I am quite sure Karma exists. The main thing is we (well most of us anyway) were brought up with good morals and that is what keeps the majority of us honest. JB should have apologised amended the receipt for you on the spot. In the very least they should be the ones that are sorting the claim out for you now. Karma for them is that their bad customer service has been noted by other consumers who won't be so likely to want to trust them in the future.

    Rather embarrassed, I once travelled back several city blocks as I found I was holding a game piece that belonged to a game I had just been looking at. The salesgirl did not look impressed when I returned it (even though she didn't notice it was missing). No thanks for your honesty or nothing. Still, imagine how a purchaser would have felt if there was a game piece missing … Would you have done that to someone else?

    Found a $50 dollar note in a plastic shopping bag once, checked my purse to see if it belonged to me (didn't) so I returned it to the supermarket. I was concerned the young checkout girl would be reprimanded for $50 being down on her till. I think static electricity caused the problem; she did change some money for people just as I was going through the checkout. At least the supermarket gave me a box of chocolates for my honesty. Should have heard the scorn of others because I didn't keep it though.

    I am a great believer in the "pay it forward" idea; basically do someone else a good turn, and they in turn are encouraged to do another for someone else. I have been in a number of difficult financial situations over the years (for various reasons) but somehow I always manage to pull through in the end and keep out of debt. It is not always about money but helping another in their time of need. The word "Karma" is just a reminder to others that they should be doing the right thing. Without any morals or simple honesty society is hardly worth living in.

  • +2

    I applaud your honesty. Don't know about the Karma bit, but honesty is always the best policy and hopefully you will one day be the recipient of somebody else's honesty. I guess virtually all our trading in this country is reasonably honest with only a few rogue traders (how else would Today Tonight fill their programme?) so we have a lot to be thankful for.

  • +2

    You are a good person - & well done for being so honest. To my belief Karma does exist - what goes around comes around - might not happen overnight but it will happen. Wish there were more people in the world who do the right thing as you. However still waiting for some Karma to appear from a family of rogues who cheated my husband & I out of $1000's in a business opportunity a few years ago - just biding our time as know we will eventually gain our rightful comeback.

  • +1

    I agree that some kind of Karma exists and I do believe you did the right thing OP.
    However, I just want to offer a different perspective for the sake of it.

    What if this was actually a form of positive Karma to you?

    Karma had decided to give you a little discount for some of your good deeds. Yes it is a mistake of another person but it wouldn't likely affect any other person negatively unlike that board game example.
    The only parties affected are JB a corporation who can wear this cost with no problem.

    You are at McD's and you order 6 Nuggets - receive 8 by accident (Human error).
    I wouldn't return it, instead I'd eat and appreciate my luck for the day.

    Karma can reward you in many forms.

    Still think you did the right thing OP just wanted to offer something different to think about

  • +1

    What about all the animals/insects affected or killed by your daily lifestyle (walking on them/killing spiders/buying groceries from poorly operated farms, etc etc etc) do they qualify as deserving some karma?

    • thats got to do with reincarnation.

      why are someone is poor, rich, handicapped, or even born with disability? I believe it has something to do in their past life.

    • +1

      There is a sect in India devoted to ensuring they do not cause insects any stress, wear veils to ensure an insect is not ingested accidentally, also brush their paths lightly so they don't step on any bugs. They don't work but rely on donations from others. Even then they only eat food that a tree has dropped, nothing picked from a tree at all. Apparently this particular group seriously takes their karma very seriously. Somehow I don't think you or anyone else in Australia would go that far. Interesting concept though.

  • I don't think karma exists. But I do strongly believe punishment for sin does, in some way. But then it's upto each individual how they define a sin. Be it little or big.

  • +2

    I reckon karma was being paid forward to you in the guise of a 64gb iPad for the price of the 16gb. You turned down your reward for being an awesome person. Some divine entity is up there going "steve..did you see what that guy did?, I gave him that cheap iPad and he took it back!! Wtf!!" Ha. I would have returned it also though. :)

  • +5

    I believe karma is just an ancient term for the law of cause and effect, which on its deepest level, is too complex for human mind to understand. I vaguely remember this one story that may give another point of view:

    There once was this farmer who lived a peaceful life. To make long story short, out of nowhere, someone gave him a really great horse. Was that bad luck or good luck? One day the horse escaped from the farm and gone missing. Bad luck or good luck? Sometime later the horse returned with a herd of wild horses (free horses for the farmer!). Bad luck or good luck? Then, when the farmer’s son was trying to tame the wild horses, he fell off and broke his leg. Bad luck or good luck? Short after that, the army marched into the village and conscripted every healthy young men there. Obviously, the army let the son off. Now was that good luck or bad luck? Who knows???

    That extra $150 that tom paid may find its way back to him multiplied by millions. Who knows!!

  • When opportunity presents itself take it.
    How many times has the opposite happened to you without you knowing it?
    Karma can the payback for those times….

    You paid an extra $150 for what?

  • +1

    Just do whatever you feel is right and makes you feel good. If that means doing the right thing, then go for it. If that means taking advantage of other people, then go for that. Enjoy exercising your free will. Also, #YOLO

  • It was their mistake, the sale was final.

    Do you think if they overcharged you that they would catch it and would refund you the difference? No.

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