This was posted 10 years 7 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Chobani Greek Yogurt - 10 for $10 at Woolworths


Its back! 10 for $10, valid on both the 170 g tubs and 140 g pouches. The 907 g tubs as well are 2 for $10. Enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Chobani Greek Yogurt

    You mean Greek style yogurt…

    It's not actually made in Greece…
    They were taken to court over this and they lost…

    Chobani has also been banned from the Winter Olympics by the Russians………

    • -1

      Good pick up.

    • +5

      JV's favourite bugbear, pedantic naming.

      Next you'll be telling us that Macca's 100% Australian beef patties aren't actually Australian, it's just a company called 100% Australian beef.

      Hint: no one cares.

      • ask jv if he needs to get a life next, that's likely to elicit the right response!

      • -3

        pedantic naming.

        if it's pedantic, why has it been taken to the High Court.

        Millions are being spent fighting this, it's hardly pedantics…

        • +4

          If we're going to be pedantic then the word you're looking for is actually pedantry.

        • You are right jv, it's not at all pedantic.

      • +2

        <Hiding in bunket as Sky's about to fall>

        I'm afraid I agree with JV on this.
        Big difference between Greek Yoghurt & Greek-style Yoghurt.

        • -3

          I find their advertising really deceptive.

          "Real Greek Yogurt"

          The product is made in Dandenong.
          The founder and CEO is Turkish.

        • +3

          Literally every time a Chobani deal gets posted you make the same rant. It just seems like such a pointless thing to get worked up over - it's not like you own FAGE (who, being Chobani's biggest competitor, have the most to gain/lose from the court case. Also that's not the High Court of Australia.)

        • +1

          it's not like you own FAGE

          No, I'm not a shareholder.

          Not sure why you are getting worked up because I like to express my opinion on this product. The issue is still current. The whole point of having a 'Comments' section on Ozbargain is so that we can discuss the product and the deal. (Although some people prefer to complain about the people posting instead…)

          It's not that different from when the name 'champagne' was banned from being used.

        • Just enjoy the video!

        • +1

          Hiding in bunket

          Is that a small brightly coloured cylindrical shelter?

        • -3
        • Big difference between Greek Yoghurt & Greek-style Yoghurt.

          Is this the same with Sex?

        • I guess hiding under this bunket would be a bit messy…

        • +2

          I hope you expect your Irish stew to come from Ireland and your English muffins to have come from England.

          As well as your cheddar cheese to have come from Cheddar.

    • +1

      Since you like being pedantic, I thought I'd chime in.

      They weren't BANNED, a shipment was just disallowed (just like any food product would usually) as proper paperwork was not filed for the shipment.
      I'm sure if other teams had of filed correct paperwork early and it was processed, then they would be enjoying their Chobani Greek 'style' yoghurt right now.

  • +1

    Thanks for heads up, I love this yogurt and it sells out quickly. Full of sugar.

    • and it sells out quickly.

      Our local woolies always has plenty, even at 10 for $10…

    • +2

      it sells out quickly

      can you receive a raincheck for this 10-for-$10 deal even though the usual raincheck limit is 6 items? :)

      • +1

        If you find a nice enough staffy they'll do it, but don't expect more than 10.

        • +3

          If you find a nice enough staffy they'll do it

          Really ??? :O

        • +2

          If you find a nice enough staffy they'll do it, but don't expect more than 10.

          Would they? I wish you guys made your rainchecks rules more transparent.
          I couldn't get a raincheck last time when woolworths sold out the first day.

        • The thing is they aren't even transparent to the supervisors. We are told "no more than a household quantity" but some managers say "do less if its a big sale", so we generally stick with 6. It really depends store to store, person to person. I have gotten in trouble for doing 12 ice creams at 50% off, but that was my first raincheck :)

      • If not then you may be able to push the buttons a bit more referring to the ACCC Consumer Rights False and misleading claims document.…

        The out for them is if they clearly display it as limited stock or short supply. Which I cannot see any reference to online, perhaps they might in store.

      • I got 2 rainchecks for 10 for $10 last time they ran out.

    • +1

      JV might be on to something then. With all that sugar it might be misleading to call it Greek style.

  • How often does this 10 for $10 come up?

    • +2

      every 3 momths thereabouts. my 2 year old loves the pouches, and at this price its much better value than the tiny kids varieties

  • +1

    Thanks OP, been waiting for this deal to come back.

  • +5

    If yoghurt is made by a Greek person, does it become Greek yoghurt? Or is it the recipe that makes it Greek, a Greek recipe? Or is it just any yoghurt made in Greece that makes it Greek?

    How do we define these terms??? I think we need an International Yoghurt Consortium

    • How do we define these terms??

      Do we make Champagne in Australia?
      Do we make Port wine in Australia?
      Do we make Gruyère cheese in Australia?
      Do we make Cognac in Australia?
      Do we make Iberian ham in Australia?
      Do we make Spanish Olive Oil in Australia?
      Do we make Greek Yogurt in Australia?

      • +7

        Do we make Annoying People in Australia? All signs point to yes.

        • -1

          Do we make Annoying People in Australia?

          Are you referring to the founder of Chobani? because he wasn't born in Australia.

        • +1

          Do we make Annoying People in Australia?

          Hell yea, Bogans birthplace ffs…

      • +1

        "Do we make Champagne in Australia?"

        Of course we do, but we're not supposed to call it Champagne:…

        From 1 September 2011, it will be prohibited for Australian winemakers to use the geographical names Champagne, Burgundy, Chablis, Port or Sherry for Australian wines. This is the culmination of negotiations between Australia and the EU that commenced over 20 years ago, taking place against the background of significant litigation in Australia.

        • +1

          Of course we do, but we're not supposed to call it Champagne:

          Well calling Australian made yogurt, 'Greek Yogurt' is exactly the same as calling Australian made Sparkling wine, 'French Champagne'

          Chobani should just call it 'Greek style yogurt' and save the millions they are paying lawyers to provide a better and cheaper product to consumers.

        • +4

          jv is of course 100% correct. I bought this $1 Greek Yoghurt, and was shocked that it wasn't made in Θεσσαλονίκη.

          So, no French dressing on my salad tonight.

          And don't start me on Kiwi fruits … not laid by Kiwis, not even from New Zealand. They were once called Chinese Gooseberries - another fraud, none of them came from Beijing.

          Can't Hoover the carpet, Xerox a document, use a Kleenex, cook in a Crock-Pot. Can't even drive down the road or take an airline flight, because tarmac is "still a legally recognized trademark".


        • and was shocked that it wasn't made in Θεσσαλονίκη.

          the best yogurt comes from the mountains of Epirus

        • What about Ron Burgundy?

        • +1

          Well calling Australian made yogurt, 'Greek Yogurt' is exactly the same as calling Australian made Sparkling wine, 'French Champagne'

          Well, no. The problem wasn't that Aussie-made sparkling wine was being labelled French Champagne, because Aussie winemakers didn't actually use the term French for their wine. The problem was the word Champagne. The EU objected because, under EU law, that term can only be used for sparkling wine made in the Champagne region of France. Burgundy is another. The same is true for some other products, such as cheese. For example, "Camembert" is a region of France known for a particular type of creamy cheese. The term Camembert is not protected; it can be used to describe that type of cheese, no matter where it is made. However, the term "Camembert de Normandie" is protected and can only be used for Camembert that comes from that region.

          Note, though, that these are European laws. Other countries have similar laws, but no country has the unilateral right to enforce its law in other countries, except by agreement. If I remember the history correctly, what ultimately forced Aussie winemakers to stop calling their sparkling wine "Champagne" wasn't that the EU came over here and beat them around the head for breaking the law. It was that the Aussie winemakers wanted to sell their product in Europe and couldn't do so unless they abided by those regulations.

          Your earlier attempts to say that Russia somehow objects to Chobani calling itself "Greek yogurt" were misinformed, to the point of being deliberately misleading. As clearly described in the articles you linked to, the problem had nothing to do with the naming or marketing of Chobani yogurt. It was simply that the customs paperwork wasn't in order.

          I do agree it would be better to call it Greek-style yogurt. That said, the use of geographic descriptive terms is not universally agreed or consistent. As others have pointed, no one in Australia would buy English muffins thinking that they were actually made in England. When you buy French fries, do you think they were made in France, or Belgian waffles from Belgium? On the other hand, Scotch whiskey should come from Scotland.

        • The difficulty with your analogy is that the terms English style muffins, French style fries etc arent terms that exist. Greek style yogurt is the term that exists.

  • +2

    Cheers, love this yoghurt.

  • Try one before you buy a lot. I bought 3 flavors a while back (to make frozen yogurt pops a'la their instructions written on the side at the time) and threw them in the bin afterwards because they were gross.

    It's probably better by itself.

    • +2

      I tried reading the instructions on the side but it was all Greek to me…

      • but it was all Greek to me…

        That interesting, because it is made in Dandenong.

  • +1

    Good catch by the OP. Supposedly you can also freeze yoghurt, although I've never liked the result.

    Pedantic nitpick: YOGHURT not YOGURT, the latter being American/Canadian usage (see e.g. )

    But for hardcore OzBargainers, yoghurt is ridiculously easy and cheap to make. It's just fermented milk. So is cheese. All booze is basically just fermented sugar. The salami on your pizza is a fermented meat, deliberately infected with bacteria. You might call it "meat gone rotten", I call it delicious.

    No need at all for fancy equipment to make yoghurt at home. I use a glass jar floating in another glass jar of warm to hot water. Mix in a spoonful of store-bought yoghurt for the starter culture, cover, wait, and you have yoghurt. Use evaporated milk for a thicker yoghurt.

    Google is your friend for more information.

    Be ultra-clean, and if you get botulism I never posted this.

    • +1

      I tried to use my wife's wanky health yoghurt with "live cultures" as a starter culture. One day later wild bacteria had taken it over and I had to throw the whole lot out. Clearly those live cultures were deader than a dead dingo's dick.

  • interesting how people like 10-for-$10 more than 1-for-$1 - or do they just prefer woolies over coles? :)

    • Perfer woolies over coles.. lol I dont think so….

      I guess 10 for $10 is a bigger total saving!!

      • +1

        I guess 10 for $10 is a bigger total saving!!

        I bet you can't wait for the 20 for $20 sale then !!

    • or do they just prefer woolies over coles?

      I was at Coles just before and Chobani is $2 each.

  • +3

    Buy stacks of these when they're $1 each … been waiting for another of these deals for a while now.

    Once you buy 10, and the price adjusts to $10, each additional unit is only $1 (so you don't need to buy multiples of 10 to get them at the discounted price).

  • Does it feel good after you eat 1 of these? If i'm buying 10 i would probably get sick of them

    • +1

      The deal is 10 for $10 though, not 10 for $10 to eat in a day. :)
      Ones on show now should have at least 3-4 weeks on them, so mix up the flavours and I'm sure you'll be fine.

  • Got to be the worst tasting yoghurt ewwww

  • I've tried this yoghurt recently. Tastes just like normal yoghurt with the fruit and lots of sugar. Not really Greek at all which is usually sour and has no sugar. Cheap deal though if you like the flavour and extra calories.

  • +2

    Where are the full-fat varieties? I need to gain weight, not lose it (these products are unduly discriminatory).

    • There are 2% versions which are a lot richer and tastier IMO.

  • 5 for $5 at Coles right now

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