I wanna go sky diving in WA. Where's the best value place to do it?

I just got back from holiday so i got the holiday blues, need something else to look forward to, and I've been wanting to tick skydiving off my bucket list for a while now, so can anyone give me some suggestions on how to get the best bang for buck, what the different options are in terms of company, locations in WA, packages, heights etc. Or feel free to just share some of your own bucket list suggestions :)


  • I can't help you with your specific question, but if you want some vicarious living before you jump - and given the amazing life he leads - more bucket list suggestions than you can poke a freaking stick at, this is the guy on Youtube that you need to subscribe to:

    Thank me/hate me, later.

    He's travelling around Oz for a total of three months, but he just jumped out of a plane in NZ a couple of days ago:

    • Cheers, yeah I've heard of him, seen some of his work, should give me some new ideas :)

  • There is one at Jurien Bay but its not cheap ……


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