
Hello. I currently live in Brisbane and am always upset about going to the farmers markets or supermarket and finding avocado's costing $2 each. Does anyone know if it is possible to buy avo's in bulk and split them with a couple of other people for a lower cost?


    • http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Grammar-Nazi
      God there is nothing worse than a pretentious grammar nazi.

      • +6

        God there is nothing worse than a pretentious grammar nazi.

        campbell newman?
        barrista's declaring that making coffee is an art?
        starter cartridges in printers?
        toilet paper roll facing into the wall?
        slow walkers on busy paths?
        ugly drunks?
        4wd vehicles with out any scrathes from 4wd-ing?
        getting a wrong order from drive through maccas and only realising when you get home?
        standing in chewing gum?
        sitting in chewing gum?
        listening to bogans deliberately talkng loudly(and thinking they are tough) on public transport?
        Justin Beiber writing a biography?
        drivers who sneak in to another lane without waiting like everyone else?

        • You just proved his point

        • Or you could have just said "an actual Nazi".

  • +7

    $2 is a steal! In Sydney at woolies at the moment they are $4 each. I love them but refuse to buy them at that price. Even at $3 a pop it's painful. I'd love them at $2 each.

    • +2

      It just blows my mind that when I am overseas I see them for 60-70 cents, but here they are well more than double that price. Thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone has any suggestions.

    • Woolies almost always have pre-packed Haas or Shepard avocadoes in stock - packs of three - used to be four - for around $3.50 to $5.50, depending on supply. Sometimes slightly smaller in size, but usually a significant saving unit-price-wise relative to buying loose.

      It's still early in the season, but the Shepards have arrived. Yay!
      For the unfamiliar - they're best to eat when only a little bit soft.

      • I see them all the time but they are consistently rock hard so I never grab them. Do they soften?

        • +6

          In my experience, even when the pre-packed Haas are in stock most ripen fine from rock-hard, and are slightly less likely to be bad on the inside relative to buying loose - which is bizarre.

          The pre-packed Shepards are almost always great and ripen fine.
          We bought four packs of three on Monday, all bar one pack, rock-hard. All except a couple of individual avocadoes are already ripe and in the fridge!

          A tip for when you buy unripe - especially Shepards that have the stem nubbins in place, as most do. Took me awhile to finally work this out. I wish I had worked it out sooner…

          Remove the nubbins and gently twirl the tip of a clean cotton bud inside the little depressions that are left to smooth them over. It dramatically reduces the incidence of them going rotten inside before ripening properly.

          Why? This happens with some other fruit too.
          Before being packed they're washed.The wash water contains bacteria with is retained in the woody stem remnant (technical term is, of course, nubbin…) and then migrates into the fruit. When you get a rotten banana, that's usually the reason - although the bacteria usually gets in the flower end.

          Happy avo-eatin'!

        • +1

          My parents used to own a fruit shop and we only ever sell hard avos, if we sold soft ones inconsiderate people looking for soft ones would push their thumb in and bruise every second fruit. They would bruise, realise there are soft ones and then proceed to gently select the one they want to buy, and leave the damage ones they sell behind.

          This is chiefly the reason why avocados are as expensive as they are, to cover the cost of shrinkage.

        • Cheers for the info, Tas! Had no idea about these tips.

        • +2


          Unfortunately, I'm too tired right now to put any thought into specific waterlogged turnip tips.

          You're on your own. Embrace the rot. Godspeed.

        • Thanks for the facts cloudy that is interesting info.

          I can't stand fingernail marks in fruit.

  • -4

    Really? I did not post asking for an English lesson.

    • +2

      Mate, you should always be happy to learn.
      Apart from the price business, from my comment you may also glean that 'avocadoes' is an acceptable plural spelling, and my particular preference.

  • I'd love some $2 fruit instead of the $5 variety due to lack of rain, right now.

  • If/when you decide to buy any, plant the pips - all varieties, almost all year round. Even in biggish pots, if you are liable to move. Not quite instant avos, but worth waiting for, 'cos you should never have to buy any again. (I've done this - just a little south of you.)

    • Has that plan ever come to fruition for you? I tried it once, and nurtured the plant for about 4 years, then read that they won't fruit til 10 years, and they're not guaranteed to do so. :-(

      • You need a male and a female plant I was told. If that's the truth no wonder why farmers need to get a high return.

  • Haven't had one in a long time. I think they are back in season now, drove passed a place selling them 3 for $5.

  • +1

    I love avocadoes (esp breakfast: spread thickly on multigrain toast, with a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar respread, and chopped tomato topping)- so whenever I have one, I plonk the seed in the garden & forget about it So far have nearly a dozen growing apparently happily. Can't remember age of oldest (not 10 years; nearer 4) - which last year presented lots of flowers - which dropped off! Has almost same age, same variety next to it, but genders unknown. My purchasing source is local Yuens vegie shop at certain times of year selling (smallish but small stone,and delish) avos for 25c each - and more recently a friend on Mount Tambourine gets them fairly cheap at markets there. He won't say how cheap cos always gifted - but he'd only buy at absolute bargain prices.

    • Smaller greengrocers (I don't think I've ever used that word before) that you see sometimes by their lonesome, or in small shopping centres off main thoroughfares, at different times in the season - in Brisbane and surrounds anyway - have piles of tiny little Shepards at around the price you mention.

      I suspect plenty of people turn up their noses at them, but they usually ripen fine and taste great. Bargain.

  • -2

    Avacados - old mans testicles

    • +1

      Have you been taking selfies? Naked selfies?

      • If I have suddenly grown testes I better go see a doctor.

        No I read in the guiness book of world records that avacados means old mans testicles.

        • Actually, that does ring a bell…
          Person who did the naming must have been colourblind or had been intimate with The Jolly Green Giant. www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUKY-SZKErs

          Hmm, you'd definitely need to see your doctor after that.

        • +1

          So you're saying they're not meant to be green??

          Oh shit.

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