Is there anywhere in Sydney or surrounds to buy damaged stock or discontinued lines - cheap

I am hoping to get some cheap stock for a fundraiser for Homeschool camp at the end of the year. Most of the families struggle as single income and thought if I could source products that are in damaged cartons or discontinued lines we may be able to go to a local market and sell for a profit. Any ideas


  • hmm i also wondering where are all the old stocks/discontinued model of laptops gone? i mean never see them in the jbhf or HN anymore

  • Most products that are discontinued/damaged carton/etc are sold at high profit margins once it hits a retailer. You will find it difficult to re-sell these at a profit, even if you negotiate the price down. If you want to purchase direct from the retailers' source, you may need to purchase in large quantities.

    May be you can watch the auctions on Grays Online and see if you can snare a bargain on some of the items?

  • Ok any suggestions what is a good buy from Grays Online? or do I need to wait for a promo code to get a bargain?

  • You can always go speak to your local supermarket store manager. You'd be surprised at the amount of discretion they can have. I'm sure you could work out a deal with them for bulk (not guaranteed to be the cheapest, but they'll do it if it means sales).

    The bigger supermarkets usually have in-store markdowns for damaged & discontinued stock, though, so not much chance of huge 50% off discounts in bulk or anything like that. They usually take 10-20% off the few items that are damaged or discontinued and they sell before you know it.

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