Samsonite luggage not covered by guarantee if damaged on flight?

Do have a look at on tonight's program of Checkout at 8 p.m., free download.
They do a segment on guarantee limitations on Samsonite luggage.

After watching it I would doubt the additional expense is worth it. What do you think? JoyV


  • I would say no. They don't advertise that it is unbreakable. Not sure what their guarantee covers as I'd assumed if any part of it gets broken they would just blame it on wear and tear.

  • +1

    I never thought much of Samsonite as I thought their products were too expensive…until I bought one of their lightweight spinners…never will consider anything less now!

    they are built tough…well worth the money…

    Samsonite is to luggage just as much as Dyson is to vacuum cleaners..if u know what I mean…

  • Guarantee probably won't cover much without it being contested a lot. However your travel insurance would cover the cost of damage anyway.

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