Change of android app by order - u peliculas

Logging on via Android tablet to uP' app I now get this demand - you must download new version of this app to continue!.

The new app name has changed from what it was 2 days ago. There there were more critical reviews plus a review question - why credit card details to be given - not answered.

Now there I'd a similar name to old app.

Old version was OK most of the time and had the same strike rate as USTV/live media player MDC.

Has any one has this happen to them?
Or should I be out of this app?
Is there a better choice to 'view' movies

Thanks for help.


  • +1

    what could possibly go wrong giving your credit card details to an anonymous app running on your tablet??

    • thanks and without question.
      Just noticed the movie app name is You Peliculas

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