Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft [iOS] FREE


Aussies finally get a game ahead of the rest of the world!

Let's celebrate!


  • General Sources of Reference
    Hearthstone Wikia
    Create your own Hearthstone Cards
    New Players Guide to Hearthstone

    You can sign up here

    I want to take this opportunity and direct new players to a few useful links and some community tips for gameplay. If you have anything interesting to bring up about this topic or have some advice/decks/combos to share, please feel free to do so.

    General Tips from OZB

    • Your first run through the Arena is complementary, and something which I would advise against until you have a good grasp at the game and how each Hero and cards work.
    • Each hero inherently has a 'flow' to their plays, this is something you can learn from watching gameplay or simply by playing the game over time.
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