Legit Police Complaint?

Hi all,

2 Police officers knocked on my door about an hour ago saying there was a report from someone saying they heard a lot of screaming and children crying the previous night. I obviously did nothing wrong and stated I heard nothing like that but did hear someone outside the unit making noise.

Anyways, they were friendly enough and there seemed to be no issue. After thinking about what happened shortly after and telling my partner what happened, she asked me all these details I had no idea about. I.e. were they legit? She mentioned some people scout units to rob later and do so by acting as Police and creating a story etc. I am more worried because I revealed some information on other units as to how many people are there and whether they had kids (was trying to actually indicate none of the units made noise either).

I then thought I'd call the local Police. I got through to someone and he was horribly not friendly and not assisting either. I asked if he could check whether a report was actually made and suggested there is a possibility they could be scouting. He asked me if they were in full uniform. I said yes (even though I don't have a degree in Police uniforms and wouldn't know what a real or fake one looked like). He then asked if they had a gun in the holster. I said I saw something on their belt but had no idea if it was a gun or not.

His conclusion…

"They are definitely Police."

Are you ***** kidding me?!?!?! <- I only said this in my mind.

I didn't think he'd take too kindly me facepalming and telling him how inconclusive this whole thing is. He really seemed like he wanted to get back to his Minesweeper or something. I calmly asked again if there was a way he can check information so I can rest easy. He VERY reluctantly asked what my address was and then asked what the Police looked like. After providing the information, he said there was nothing in the system and not to worry. WHAT?!?!

After hurting myself from additional facepalming, I sighed heavily and asked for his name. End of conversation.

Thanks to the Police, guess who can't sleep tonight?

The point of this post is to ask if I am overreacting on this. I didnt get the Police deatails for those who came to my front door. The story may not have occurred. The Police officer I called didn't share anything relevant to help me.


What would you feel?

Poll Options

  • 25
    Yea, I should just listen to the officer I called and relax
  • 7
    Call another officer who may actually help me
  • 4
    Get the NERF gun collection and stash it under the bed tonight
  • 7
    Watch more kitten videos on Youtube and forget the whole


  • +6

    It's less likely that they were fake police and more likely that they were real police looking for some baddies.

    You've been watching too much TV. Real crims don't dress up like cops unless they know what they're going to hit. Is it likely that your units are storing large amounts of gold or other valuable items? I'd say not. Now which would you rather be done for: break and enter, or break and enter dressed like a cop?

    What you are worried about is so unlikely.

  • +8

    Do not CALL the Police.

    They won't take you seriously or do anything to help you.

    Just show up at the station, in person.

    • +5

      its sad but this is probably true,

      ALWAYS ask to see a badge/id from anyone coming to your door asking for information

    • +2

      im sorry , i dont see why them checking if you have a warrant out for your arrest is a bad thing ? and why would they need your name + dob for asking a simple question, yea they might want your address ?…

      and you call the ambulance for drug overdoses not the police, the ambulance can not search/ arrest you, unless im mistaken and they merged the two services.

      • -3

        The Ambo's always call the Police in cases of drug ingestion.

        Standard operating procedure in NSW.

        • +2

          Incorrect http://www.ambulance.nsw.gov.au/Media/docs/090730drugs-a7067…
          The bit you're looking for is "Police are only involved when paramedics feel endangered, someone dies, or there are other non-drug crimes involved (such as violence or theft)."
          Although I actually agree with the rest of your paranoia

        • +5

          To all those reading: Ian's absolutely and dangerously wrong here. The Ambos WON'T call the police in the event of drug ingestion. If you're involved in an incident involving illicit drugs (e.g. an overdose), PLEASE call the Ambo's. It could save the person's life!

        • +1

          Hear, hear! We had the police at school confirming that with the students. Way too many preventable deaths have occured because people (teenagers in particular) won't seek help because they're worried about getting into trouble. This is definitely not the case in Victoria.

        • +1

          Is this a policy? I've had police arrive to a overdose call with ambos, pretty sure they called them

        • +1

          Definitely the case in Victoria. Otherwise they have kids not calling for help because they fear getting in trouble, costing lives.

  • +4

    Did they identify themselves before saying anything else to you? From experience, they will always state their names and which station they are from. They won't show a badge or anything.

    Always take a mental note of those details and forget about the rest. Worry about that later. If you can confirm the identity and physical appearance of the police with the station they said they're from, then you're all good.

    Write the details down if you have to :)

    As for the cops that have come and gone - relax. Doubt they were fake police. That'd be a hell of a lot of effort to go to just to scout homes for valuables… those uniforms are pretty distinct. But I dunno the stats, never heard a report of fake police being burglars etc, so maybe it really does happen.

    Still. Try not to stress. Otherwise… you and your partner could do a whole lot of loud screaming in an attempt to have the same police return after a fresh complaint. Hopefully the same police to confirm it lol.

    • +1

      I actually don't think they announced who they were and where they were from. I was actually more worried about my lack of full pants at the time and deliberated in front of them haha. But yea, I should relax.

  • +3

    They were probably real police scouting your house and will come back later to rob you. Good bye.

  • +2

    If you called the Station about an hour after they had been, the Station probably had no record of the visit anyway that soon. Think about it, they would have been door knocking a number of premises if there had been a noise complaint.

    If they found nothing of interest they would then enter in details - how much I dont know, in the computer probably at the end of their shift, which would be sometime later (I think the shift ends around 5am).

    The guy you spoke to at the station might have had a number of issues he was dealing with and was trying to get on with those he considered more pressing. Without having details to hand he wouldnt have been able to give you more info.

    Dressing up as a uniformed copper is a pretty serious offence, for a murder hit on another crim, they may take the chance, for casing a joint for burglary it doesnt make sense. If anything they may pretend to be a plain clothed detective, more effective and they can at least deny saying they were cops if they were caught vs explaining the uniform.

    Also burglars dont like being seen, so now you have a description to give the police, not something they would want. A hawker you would forget about a few days later, a copper you will remember for a long time.

    I'd say relax

  • +5

    You should just call the Bikies.

    • +2

      Do you have their direct line?

  • +5

    Thank you everyone. I ended up sleeping well after several hilarious kitten videos. The particular one of the one greeting their owner after 3 days made me forget everything!

    I guess this is good experience to remember to ask for ID and names before continuing the conversation.

    Much appreciated.

    • +7

      Can you link some kitten videos for us please

  • +1

    lol someone actually believes that thieves use fake uniforms to scout out places to steal

    like really?

    • It has happened mate. It all seems too improbable until it happens to the person.

      • probably only to stupid people

        they have a real gun? and a real badge? and a real badge number? and they came in a real cop car?


        • Yeah I would draw the line at cop car..

        • +1

          scratch that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j0W194JaFs

          Threw in a German Shepard for good measure?

          Good advice at the end tho, next time a 'cop' shows up at your door.. "If in doubt call 000"
          Remember that next time you see 'cops' with a battering ram approaching your front door

  • I had a guy rock up to my house to scope it out with a plan to rob it. dude was in full uniform.. saying he was from Pizza hut and carrying a pizza box. he asked if my house was number 23 and I said it was 25 and 23 was next door. he then went next door and i reckon he robbed their place. authentic looking polo and pizza box. these thiefs go to all lengths to get they want. he probably sold the loot to score a hit of marijuana!!

  • +1

    The OP has a point. Maybe he over reacted a little bit but only a little. His point is very valid.
    Even if a cop shod me his badge, I would not know what a real badge look like. He can have a fake gun the the holster. They can look quite real.

    There is a difference between paranoid and too careful.

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