Emoji Bug

I added an iOS 7 emoji to a PM, and it along with all the text following it, was deleted from the message.


  • This is simple. iOS7 was removed from compatibility with OzBargain.

    • "Our emoji characters are based on the Unicode standard"

      – Katie Cotton, Apple’s VP of Worldwide Corporate Communications

      • These icons have gone through criticism in the past for only featuring Caucasian characters

        Did you use a black or white character? This could also be the issue.

        VP of Worldwide Corporate Communications

        What does this even mean?

        • What does this even mean?


          Have you got any power to resolve this bug, or are you just trolling?

        • Just trolling, sorry. /endtroll

          I'd have though Emoji wouldn't really work here, but it is odd the rest of your message after disappeared as well. What are the unicode characters for the particular Emoji? Maybe try another message/post here with a similar unicode input and see what happens.

          There are probably better ways of checking though.

  • +1

    Please send me a PM with Emoji & I'll have a look. Not that I have an iOS device but at least I can check whether it has been stripped from the message (as part of our input-validation process).

    • Done!

  • +1

    Turns out we need to convert all our database tables to support 4-byte UTF8. That should be relatively trivial but would be quite a bit of downtime during database conversions. We'll push that back to later this year.

    • Appreciate you chasing this up, scotty!

    • Just noticed this bug crop up again – hasn't been fixed yet?

      • Unfortunately it requires database update on all the tables (update the encoding from utf8 to utf8mb4). Haven't planned it yet.

        • Fair enough – is it at least possible to ignore the emoji so that the rest of the text doesn't get deleted?

  • +3

    By the way the database update we just did moved all our tables from utf8 to utf8mb4 to allow 4-byte unicode characters. Emoji should be supported now.

    However the most popular browser on OzBargain, Google Chrome, still does not support Emoji by default.

    • Great to hear! πŸ˜ƒ Thanks Scotty

    • πŸ‘

      • The emoji I posted here seems to have disappeared!

        Edit: It's displaying now.. strange.

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