Cheap Car CD Player with Free Instalation?

All I need is a cheap CD player for my car but don't have a clue how to install it. I own a Toyota Hiace and it's currently got an old school tape player in it. Would be awesome to get a CD player installed for under $100 is it possible?


  • +3

    if you really only care about price your cheapest bet is to get a tape to 3.5mm converter that will let you use a discman or mp3 player without having to change the unit - will just look one up.
    That said - changing a head unit is incredibly simple if you go same brand especially - you just need a tool that pushes up either side of the existing unit to release it and pull it out and an maybe adapter from your current plug to the plug on the new unit, just pull the old out, plug the new in and slide it back in generally

  • CD player!?!? this ain't 1986. but seriously, do your self a favour and get an MP3 player and what mycos suggested.

    or (I assume you have a smart phone) get a cradle for that and use it as a Mp3 player with the tape adapter - simple.

  • +1

    Does your tape player also have a FM radio or is it only a player? Because another alternative is to get a FM transmitter that you plug into your MP3 player.

  • i think $100 is a fairly standard install these days…

  • Buy a Toyota to iso harness, lookup youtube or forum how to popoff the fascia unscrew, unplug old, replug New using harness, screw, refit fascia done ;)

  • +1

    Cheers really appreciate the help, had totally forgotten about those tape - mp3 converters will be heading down that route, found this one for $1.35 ;)…

    • You are lucky to have the tape deck! My toyota comes with standard CD player so I cannot hook up mp3 player / ipod without having to take it all apart and solder and keep my fingers crossed

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