Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 4g - Best Price?

After much searching around, I've decided to buy a Note 10.1 2014 4g model today. I dont mind if its a grey import, as it gives me 32Gb as opposed to the Aussie 16Gb version

Best price I can find is $529 from DWI:…

Also found a $10 coupon (code – BAE2013) to reduce it to $519 including shipping from DWI.

But only available in White apparently until next week when they might get black :-/

Would prefer to buy it off Ebay but best price there was $555. With Ebay I can collect Velocity points, and right now its 4 points/per dollar which is around 2220 points but hey its $36 more and I'm not too fond of the seller (its kinda of half chinese & english translated listing – quite poor and doesn't make sense)

Does anyone know of a better price on another site, or coupon code to bring it down further?


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