NAATI Translation Indonesian to English

Anybody knows affordable translation service from Indonesian to English that is NAATI approved ?

I need to have my high school grade ( about 9 pages which are mostly repetitive) to be translated to English which is pretty basic.

A quick search shows that the rates are anywhere between $30 to $75 per pages.


  • buat keperluan apa gan? gak penting banget ijazah sma?

  • buat keperluan Permanent Residency gan. Minta yg aneh2 aja nih case officernya.

    • yg bener loe. gue udah ngurusin beberapa aplikasi piyar, gak pernah di minta begituan.
      coba aja buka docs requirements nya, mana ada beginian?

  • -1

    english please.
    can try look at indo magazines there are few, one is by uws lecturer, western guy but can speak indo, and cheaper than indo translator! cant remember his name sorry

  • I always use this guy's service

    Nice guy, quick turnaround.

    "Translations cost $30 per standard document (eg birth certificates, marriage certificates, police clearances, etc which are always under 100 words). Longer documents (such as academic transcripts) cost $30 for the first 100 words and then $15 per 50 words over 100 words. Where a client has a larger number of documents, a discount is often given."

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