IOS 8 and OS X Yosemite

Haven't had a very detailed look into each update, but from I can see it's pretty standard Apple, turning small things into "revolutions" (e.g. Extensive translucency OS X in system menu's [Aero sound familiar?], and third party keyboard options and text prediction in IOS 8). Their keynote presentation execution is still beautiful though.

But what I think they have done well is the continuity of the tablets, PC, and smartphone. From the demo it looks like you can SMS, call and file share in a good sync'ing manner between all your Apple devices.

Interesting that Apple is trying to make the integration between multiple devices better, while Microsoft is trying to merge them so integration isn't necessary. Wonder which one will work out better.

CNET IOS 8 keynote highlights

CNET OS X Yosemite keynote highlights

Can't find the full keynotes atm but if anyone has the link please comment!

EDIT: Also what I found pretty cool is "Extensibility", it enables "widgets" in the notification centre, but it also let apps functionally work with other apps (not just sharing), check out 1:55 of the video to see what I mean


  • +1

    As much as it irks me when Apple people make wildly boastful (and tone deaf) statements like "They had bought an Android phone, by mistake, and then sought a better experience. And a better life," iOS 8 looks like a great update. I don't care for their Dropbox clone, but third party keyboards and widgets (albeit notification centre-only) might tempt me to flip back. Yosemite is 'meh' but I'm getting it for free, so can't complain.

  • I had the first iPhone (2g)… when I got my hands on that it was truly amazing/revolutionary!

    Subsequent iPhones have been exciting but never really the same…. I've actually moved to Android, iOS just bore me… being a developer I like to hack customise and play around with things, but in my eyes Android lacked the maturity and polish… but since the last gen Android has really got it's act together, the customisability on Android I found a breath of fresh air… (though some bits could still use more polish)

    I can no longer justify the "Apple Tax" , the iPhone 5c is my case in point… it's basically a rebranded iPhone 5 (slight upgraded)… ~$700 for last gen tech…I picked up an Nexus 5 and have been amazed by it's price and ability.

    TBH I don't see much new in iOS 8 more playing catch up with What's App, Dropbox and even Android.

    I just hope Apple can release something in the future we can truly be excited about.

  • I have found the iPhone to be a bit meh since the iPhone 4S came out, in terms of both software and hardware. I really hope that Apple decides to release a bigger iPhone later this year, and gives consumers what they want.

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