Does anyone how the timeline for reduced priced items at Aldi?

So I saw they brought back those nice hdmi cables at aldi again but they're priced too high.
I previously picked up a marked down one at 3.99 for 2m not the best price but the cables are decent quality with gold tips and braided cabling and metal insertion holding points.

So I was wondering if anyone knew how the discount/Clearance procedure works for aldi?
Is it time based since they have specials each week?
Is it Quantity based they don't mark it down till theres only like 4 left?
or something else?

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  • I wish I knew, too.
    For what it's worth, it does seem to vary story-to-store, and does seem to depend on quantity sold in a given store.

    Many weeks after products first appear, I've done plenty of driving to buy some great stuff around half the original price.

  • I believe the markdowns happen on a Wednesday when the new sale items also appear. Also they are moved to the front/centre of the store most of the time. Best bet as a true ozbargainer is to buy the item at full price if you really want it then buy it again if you see it marked down (then just exchange the original).

  • No, there is no set timeline. I've seen items still there marked at full price after 3 or 4 months while heavily discounted at another.

  • at my local store usually about 3 weeks after a $15 would be marked down to about $11.99 sit there for another 2 weeks then will drop to round about $3.99 to clear whatever is left.

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