Competitions to enter?

Hey guys, I was looking at the 'Comps' section on here and I'm not really sure how it works. Do people just submit competitions and then users can decide if they want to enter or not?

I'm unemployed and so I wanted some competitions to enter. I didn't have much success using Google.



  • Yep that's pretty much how it goes. You can also see what type of competition (lucky draw, number of words or less etc) it is and any prerequisites.

  • Alright. Thanks!

    I'm still looking for competitions to enter!

  • +1

    Just click on the comps link at the top of your page and go nuts :)

    You can also filter by type if you prefer, lucky draw, no words or less etc in the comps menu at the top of the screen. There are heaps there to enter.

    After you open a competition, eg click 'go to comp' and it will take you to the entry page. You can also mark as enter on that page and see what is required and involved.

  • Thanks!

    I'm looking at it now.

    If anyone has some other possible competitions I could enter I'd really appreciate it!!!

  • I remember coming across a website that was focused on competitions and it may have been hosted by OzBargain, but I can't remember the name of it? Does anyone know?

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