Any bargains / recommendation for a treadmill ?

Hi Guys,

I am looking for a treadmill :

  • Basic home treadmill suitable for jogging and light running.
  • Auto incline available.
  • Budget Max $1500.



  • I have been driving around my local area, seen a few treadmills on the side of road. Maybe you can fix them up. Check Gumtree as I have seen many for sale at really cheap prices, most are in good condition second hand.
    Found a great deal for you, Pro Form $2299 down to $1399 Free shipping and today is last day so hurry up!

  • +2

    Go second hand. This is one of those items that a lot of people buy and never use, then sell for a lot less.

    • +1

      Yea bought a huge heavy treadmill on ebay years ago for 450, sold it to a friend for 400. I got like 100 hours out of it over a year for 50bucks.

  • Lifespan has good treadmills and their warranty service is very good.

    I bought mine in their ebay store in an auction as sometimes you get good prices that way. I did.…

  • What area are you in?

  • I bought one from Just Fitness, for around that budget and am pretty happy with it. Nordictrack brand.

  • How about the footpath for walking/jogging, it's free to use and they are everywhere, scenery is normally more interesting and air quality better as well!

    • Not always practical.

    • +1

      I've said this before but here goes again: Some people have things that prevent this. Could be medical issues, could be that they have kids and can't go out and leave them by themselves. Just saying.

      Yes though, the footpath is cheaper.

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