Event Subscription Suggestion: Never miss great deal

Just discovered subcription on the site with alerts, etc.

You have following alert:

If deal reaches front page, you send an email.

Would be good if you have something like this as well:

If deal reaches front page and has 15 votes and time since posted is only 15 minutes.

That way, all ozbargainers would get alert on flash great deals and wont miss out. Obviously, the votes and time should ideally be configurable by user.



  • Deals hit the front page is there are 20 votes or if it is a fast-rising deal. You can read about the calculation here.

    If deal reaches front page and has 15 votes and time since posted is only 15 minutes.

    Our front page algorithm would definitely already cover this case, as it only requires 11 votes to be on the front page within the first 30 minutes of posting, so subscribers to front page deals would already get the email.

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