How much would PS3 be worth with a broken Blu-Ray drive?

I've got a Japanese PS3 with a broken blueray drive. I couldn't be bothered fixing it as I don't play games much these days. Anyone have any idea how much I should try and sell it for?



  • Just put it up on eBay and see how it goes. If you don't know what it's worth I guess you won't be disappointed. Someone may buy it with the intention of fixing it and on selling it for a small profit.

  • It depends on the memory but I guess over 100$ as the main reason of the ps3 is the gaming itself .

    • +1

      Don't you need the bluray drive in order to play any game from a disk?

      • yeah the games run from bluray so you wouldn't be able to play any without fixing it. $100 is too much to ask for.

        • not true. you can play games on the hard drive (ie games downloaded off psn)

  • what type of PS3? the original phat, or the slim model?
    the phats aren't worth that much.

  • If the PS3 is v3.55 or before, it doesn't matter if it has a working drive or not, should be $100 give or take $20.

  • If it's all working I'd give you $40 for it (plus your postage)

    Can get a new working slim with Minecraft, Au warranty for $188.

    • Sorry I meant if all else is working other than the bluray drive.

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