East Asia trip - best way to manage money?

So I'll be traveling to a few countries these coming Christmas holidays. First Korea, then to Hong Kong, then through to China, and eventually back to Aus.

My question is: What's the best way to manage cash throughout this kind of trip?

Many people say to just withdraw as much cash as you need before going on the trip, but that's a little hard in this kind of situation.

At first I was looking at one of those multi-currency cash cards, but couldn't find one covering all necessary currencies, and even those were not without fees.

The obvious choice was then the citibank plus debit card, but I still have a few questions about it.

-I understand people use it for withdrawing cash because of the no-fees appeal, but what about using it to pay in shops or hotels? Does that incur an exchange fee or any other fees?
-When withdrawing cash from an ATM, what exchange rate is used?
-There are many places without citibank ATMs in China, so what would a normal fee be for withdrawing cash at a non-citibank ATM?
Sorry for my ignorance, I just want to know if there'll be any hidden fees that are easy to overlook. I've already been screwed over by fees and exchange rates when traveling in the past, and don't really want it to happen again.


  • No Fees - simply use Cirrus or Maestro Atms. I used my 28 degrees throughout china, HKG, Egypt, Greece, Italy without being charged a service fee. Even if a fee comes up, as long as you withdraw infrequently it is still cheaper than any alternative. Checkout my travel money page http://checkthis.com/travelmoney

    • +2

      28 degrees now chargea a fee for withdrawing money from ATMs.


    • Thanks for the info. That page is very informative and clears things up. Looks like citibank plus is the way to go!

      Is there a definitive list anywhere of the ATMs which can be used without incurring a fee?
      Or I guess I should be asking, what ATMs to look out for that DO incur a fee.

      You're right regardless, even with fees, it still looks like the best possible option.

  • Correct, they do, the op however was referring to citibank plus. I was merely illustrating that a visa or MC used in China will not incur an atm provider fee, in my experience. If you bothered to peruse my link you would have seen that your comment was redundant.

  • I'd use a credit card with no international transactions, withdrawal some cash at an extortionate rate using a bank card (or similar). Make all purchases on the credit card when possible. Towards the end of the trip, switch solely to cash.

  • I would have a few different ways to access your money as this is the most secure way. I would always look to have some cash on you and looking at the countries that you are going I would take some USD's (always can be exchange for local currency if needed) then also take a small amount of each currency that you will need. Go to www.rateselect.net before you leave and you can find the best rate and order the currencies that you will need to pick up from the airport. You will get a much better rate than if you just turn up to the airport or if you go to an exchange kiosk.


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