Phone Screen Replacement (Sony Xperia Z)

I have a water damaged Sony Xperia Z and everything works fine, however when using it, the screen shows some water residue or something.
It's similar to what's displayed here but not as severe.…

Firstly, do I need to replace both the LCD and touch screen digitizer? or just the LCD, as the touch screen is working fine.
Secondly, does anyone have any sources that sell high quality/genuine replacement parts for a decent price? (ie; around 80$ or less)
Third, has anyone had experience replacing their own screen for this phone, as I was thinking of doing that, because the cost of replacement is 100$ less than just buying a new one right out….

any help is appreciated, thanks!


  • If you have never done this sort of thing before, it would be very hard to do. Here is a guide.
    There is a good chance that once you have completed the repair, there is a good chance that it will no longer be waterproof. The cheapest place to buy a genuine screen is most likely etradesupply, they're US $104.99 + shipping (usually around $20).
    TL;DR: live with it till you can't bear it any longer, then replace your phone, or pay somebody else to do the repair, preferably with a guarantee that it will still be waterproof. I would be using it as an excuse to upgrade, but I am a frivolous phone junkie

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