Good electric shaver

hi all,

Unsure if this is the correct forum but hoping some of you might be able to help.
I've been using a razor for years now after initially (when about 18) having a rubbish experience with a cheap electric razor.
I'm now looking for something easy as shaving annoys me. I have terrible, thin facial hair so hoping this will mean an electric can do an acceptable job. I am never and will never be employed in a role that requires me to be clean shaved so that's taken care of!

Now all I can think I'd like is a rechargeable wet/dry razor (think these ones can be used in a shower?)
I note amazon have had a few deals in the past.


EDIT: forgot to add, don't really want to pay more than $100
i'm currently looking at the Panasonic Arc3 which seems competitive at $80 inc shipping from amazon..


  • If you don't enjoy shaving I'd suggest spending some time to learn how to use a DE shaver properly. I used to hate using disposables etc but I went out and got a Merkur 34c and some basic gear and I really enjoy the process now, it's a nice way to start the mornings.

    I know its not what you asked for but give it a try!

    • haha i have a mate who uses these. Certainly a little curious but not enough to seek to enjoy shaving :)
      I just want something that takes me 30 seconds and can be done in the shower

      • Yeah if your after a quick shave this isn't for you, I can definitely see the appeal to an electric, especially if you have fine hair. But the satisfaction of using a single blade to get a nice finish with proper lather etc is really rewarding :)

  • If you have any family or friends with an electric, ask if you can have a go. I've owned 3-4 different electrics over the years, started off cheap and did a terrible job and worked my way up the line. The result never really improved. Either my facial hair doesnt agree with electrics or I could never work out how to use them right. Either way I'm out $600-700 and back to the disposables. Morale is electrics are not for everyone

  • Used to use electric shavers but now use a disposable razor while in the shower. Much better result and better for the skin.

  • I used a Braun something or rather a few years back - cost me a couple of hundred bucks. In the research I did back then, the phrase I kept hearing was 'you get what you pay for'.

    Did the job well, but took my face a month or so to get used to using it. Couldnt see how they would work well in the shower though, I only ever used mine dry and before showering. Once my face was used to it, it was much better than razor shaving, easier, quicker and doing it daily was a lot less stress on my face. Still took a few minutes to do properly though - but you get better at it pretty quick.

    I would continue using it - but opted out of shaving all together and grew a beard a few years ago.

    Note: I do have thick, fast growing facial hair and it handled it well. If you have thin wispy hair, you should have no problems.

    • thanks tizey :D
      unsure I like the word "wispy"
      let's just call it… pathetic :)

      • A friend of ours a few years ago didn't have particularly heavy facial hair and used to wax rather than shave …… might be an option for you?!

        Alternately, there are nearly always really good sales on shavers around father's day.

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