Advertisement from Yahoo on the email in Box

Hi Guys

Is any one can help me out to get out of this situation for the last few weeks I am getting Advertisement from Yahoo on the email in box which I can not delete until I delete all the emails. I have opted out of this Advertisement from Yahoo, but no avail. I am still getting these Advertisement from Yahoo on the email.
Although these are probably purely Advertisement from Yahoo which I don't want to see on my inbox.

Please help me!


  • +1
    • Thanks Steptoe I suppose it works good. I am using chrome browser

      • Hi Steptoe Its not working.

  • +1

    whos yahoo? is it your boss sending you chain mail?

  • If you mean the purple box on top of the email list, that's not an email, it says clearly it's an Advertisement. Just ignore it and don't click on it. The typical ad seen is from Uber.

    • greenpossum

      You are correct its on the top of the emails inbox. Although it clearly mention that its advertisement, but I would not like to see it in my inbox. Any Solution Please

      • It's not in your inbox, it's not an email. They don't bother me. There are lots of other ads on that page, including one large one on the right. Maybe some kind of ad blocker? If not change your email provider.

        Edit: Maybe you could use agent switcher to pretend your browser is on a mobile? You get a cut down interface though. Looks like Yahoo needs to make money hence the ads.

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