ASUS EEE PC Deal from Wireless 1

Hey guys

Check out this deal -

I feel that they've been unfairly voted down. Their first post didn't have the price so it got voted down. Then they posted again as a new deal but it got voted down because of being a duplicate.

The prices seem to be quite good…but I've only checked on staticice.

Don't get me wrong…I'm not affiliated with them at all…just feel sorry for them. :D I initially voted their deals negative but after comparing the prices, they're pretty good so I revoked my vote from the second one.

Give the deal a positive if you think it's good.



  • I have remove the original post and keep the one that you are linking to here. I think some merchants need to be "educated" in making well informed and unbiased post on their offers (instead of filled with marketing words). Since W1 is a new rep from Wireless1 (their old store rep has left), so give them a bit of slack :)

  • Thanks Stix and Scotty for fixing up our title and revoked your vote :) We will be more careful next time.

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