Cancelling mobile contract early - Tips and tricks needed

Hi all,

So I just wanted to see if anyone has done this before and if there are any tips for doing so with my current contract. The reason for me wanting to cancel early is as per below.

I am currently with Virgin mobiles on a $49 plan, this uses the Optus network. I spend roughly 38+ hours at work and some at home and this is the problem of my plan/network. There is no/very poor reception in these two areas where i spend a majority of my week. I'm sure you can understand how frustrating it is to be paying for something that doesn't work, I have complained to Virgin multiple times in the pass, roughly three to four times over the last one and a half years to which they said they will work on it and nothing has improved. When I first signed the contract, I opted for a weekly $5 extra to get the GS3. Initially, I thought that i only have two more months til the contract expires to which I thought nothing of it. However, I recently learnt that I in fact still have six more months to this contract and TBH, I don't want to have to waste my money on something I can't even use.


I am currently on a plan that does not have reception at least 5 days of the week and I have another six months on this contract.

My question to my fellow OzB'ers is this…

Has anyone successfully cancelled a mobile contract early and moved to a different network?

I am planning on switching (if possible) to this with some additional data only (on a spare phone/router) from this.

Thanks guys!


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Virgin Mobile
Virgin Mobile


  • Yes, it's easy to do, you port over and pay the termination cost. you may want to ring them up and let them know of your problem and they may be lenient.

    I don't understand why the months beforehand you didn't have a problem.

    • -2

      I've actually have had this issue since the contract started, though I think it has degraded too much since the start of the year. As I have said, I have complained to them prior without much result.

      I would like to ask if there is a way without having to pay the termination cost, from what I've heard from friends, they can be quite expensive. =(

  • +1

    You should go to the TIO and tell them the whole story, including how you have tried to resolve this problem many times. You should ask for compensation for your lack of service. You may not be successful but it is worth a try.

    • I dont know why someone neg voted your suggestion , because it's one way. In the past this was very successful with Vodafone issues.

      So it's worth a try.

  • +2

    Vodafone has a network guarantee where you can cancel your plan early, BUT you must claim within the first 30 days.
    I assume that even if Optus and Virgin has similar policy, you're probably too late to complain.

  • put a complaint with the TIO :

    takes 5 mins and they have to call you within 48 hours or something.

    • Why this got negged I don't know.

      I was in the same boat as the OP, where Optus had extremely poor reception at home and work. Which they acknowledged but didn't want to cancel my contract.

      So I sent a complaint to Telcom Ombudsman, and got a call asap from Optus customer relations who advised they will cancel my contract and let me port my number to another network. I went over to Telstra and haven't looked back since.

      If you're paying for a service, then you should be able to have access to it. Otherwise you're just giving charity to Virgin.

  • When you complained to Virgin, was it over the phone or in writing? Would be helpful, regardless of what action you decide to take, to somehow get copies of the conversations if you can, just in case they deny that you've raised the issue before. At least you'd have some hard evidence to back up your complaint and hopefully justify a request for them to waive the cancellation fee, no?

    Keep us posted on what happens anyway.

    • It was via the phone and i think the last one was the start of the year. I suppose i could give them a call tomorrow and figure something out with them.

      @chloden and Slippy (Do a barrel roll! lol)

      I'm not too sure TIO would be necessary, here is my thought on it. They do have service in most other areas I visit, just not where I reside and where I work which just so happens to be the areas i visit most. It could be because I'm in doors, but even when I'm outside the reception is terrible. You guys think it still worth contacting TIO?

      @ JLove

      Yeah I'm afraid thats way late now lol.

      • ???

        You contracted with a telco that cannot provide suitable service in your work or home area.

        What should happen…
        You advise the telco and they sort something out or let you out of the contract with some refund. Politely indicate that you will lodge a complain with the TIO if nothing is done.
        Do this in writing/email for proof.

        Take the matter to the TIO only if you have proof that you have CLEARLY advised the telco that their service is not useable in both areas where you need it.

        In the areas that you cannot get good service have you noticed …
        a. people with the same phone make / model receive a useable signal?
        b. people using another telco have a good reception in those areas?

      • +1

        I'm not too sure TIO would be necessary, here is my thought on it. They do have service in most other areas I visit, just not where I reside and where I work which just so happens to be the areas i visit most. It could be because I'm in doors, but even when I'm outside the reception is terrible. You guys think it still worth contacting TIO?

        You asked originally what "tricks" you can do

        The TIO is one of the best tips given here, now you question whether it will work?

        The only way is to try. The TIO complaint costs you nothing and it's even legitimate!!

        In my case with Vodafone, while it was 2 years ago, I got 6 months free on my 2 year plan for the first year, then eventually they canceled the plan, 3 months after the freebies expired, AND I kept the handset with nothing more to pay.

        This was without the TIO having to get further involved.

        Things have changed (not as generous) but if you cant get out of the contract you might at least get some compensation by way of reduced charges.

        BTW my son who lives elsewhere had the same issues, didnt want to create a stink, then eventually did and they cancelled his contract 3 months early.

        Like he said, he should have tried earlier, got reception with another carrier and saved even more.

        • @xywolap and rockyraccoon

          Cheers for the advice guys, will give the TIO a go. Might also check to see if Optus users (same coverage, just under a different name) have the same issue in my area.

  • +1

    The thing worth noting (unless it has changed) is that Virgin only make you pay off the phone, not the whole plan cost.

    That said if the coverage maps show coverage at your address and their is none with the phone provided you may have recourse, I suggest contacting them on Facebook ( their AU based Social Team are great!

  • Thanks guys, will send email to Virgin mobiles to see if there is anything they can do. If nothing gets resolved, I will forward it onto TIO.

  • Saw an ad on the back of the optus catologue the other day, they'll pay up to $200 of conteact cancellation fees from another provider if you switch to them. Sounds perfect for you!

    • +1

      Found it

      • Yeah heard about that too, unfortunately, with Virgin using the Optus network and with me not having reception. I've decided to stay away from Optus if possible which doesn't leave much of a choice lol.

        • Virgin may not have full access to Optus' network, not exactly sure how it does work but could be worth testing it, if it could save you a lot.

  • Better move quick… Telechoice becoming a Vodafone dealer soon.. so their Telstra network based plans are switching to Voda soon and they will be selling voda plans exclusively

    • +2

      any source?

    • Bugger… perhaps I should look into Boost then. I get the feeling that if this is true, I'd get moved to the voda network even if I sign up with telechoice now.

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