Opal Card - Forgetting to tap off

So, the inevitable "Did I tap off?" finally happened to me. I actually hadn't been too worried after the first month and was getting into the swing of using it, however, forgot to tap off on the train for the first time last week.

Realised it when my 8th journey didn't scan up free and was a bit confused.

Upon checking my account, sure enough, $5.67 maximum off peak fare no-tap off was charged instead of $2.31 (could have been worse $8.10 maximum peak no tap off)

But the stoogey thing is, even though they charge you the maximum fare, "Trips made where you forget to tap on or tap off do not count towards the Weekly Travel Reward, but do count towards the Daily Travel Cap." Which i probably read before but didn't realise until being caught out. FAQ's

I called up the helpline to ask if they could amend it (per OZB suggestions on other threads), which they said "they will offer as a once off good will gesture" and they will change it to correct fare and refund the difference, but that they couldn't amend the trips/rewards - not a huge biggie as it was only 1 extra i had to pay, but just putting it out there as a warning - particularily if you're trying to sneak some extra trips to make up the 8th travel reward - a non-tap off can cost you.

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Opal Card - NSW Government
Opal Card - NSW Government


  • I wonder how much (if any) extra moolah they'll be raking in as a result of people forgetting to tap off.

    • -1

      I reckon it's got to be a bit. Depending on your trip, it's likely to be more than double your fare, but then the sting of it not counting to your 8 trips for free travel. But in other news, Gladys says she "want's people to beat the system" so go for gold everyone.

      Although, if she want's people to beat the system, why create the system in the first place? Why not just give us free travel?

      I mean, introducing evening peak prices - not popular with consumers, but generally good idea to try and ease congestion, but hey, just do a few lunch time off-peak trips and travel whenever you want no problems. Challenge accepted!! (Just don't forget to tap off!!)

  • +1

    That's why people exiting at stations without gates should take care. Also when alighting from a bus.

  • I hate using the opal card already for many reasons except sunday. bring back the weeklies

  • +1

    Like all new systems, there will be issues until you get used to it.

    Just like the pin number on your credit card rather than sign. In a few years time we'll all wonder what the fuss was about.

    I remember in the old days having to line up for a ticket, with some old person (I'm now older myself) who couldnt understand the railway employee mumbling behind the ticket screen, and seeing the train pull in and out before I could get my ticket.

    The vending machines helped a little, but many complained they would accept certain denominations.

    And one time I just got on the train without a ticket, and had to pay a fine. (it was for a job interview so I couldn't be late, lining up or arguing with the inspector about the fine, and I did get the job)

    Likewise the queues to have your ticket checked when you left the station, and missing the bus, when someone fumbled to find their ticket for the station attendant. (I think the driver used to watch the queues and enjoy driving off).

  • +1

    They need to build in some sort of good will system or incentive. I'm like to see discounts for bulk top ups like I recieved when I bought my 3 month ticket. Top up with say $500 and get $50 bonus credit etc. Similar to that, tap on and off at the same stops for a month and you get a free "forgot to tap", meaning if you do forget to tap off it will register it as your normal station off. You can build these up and once they run out then wack us with the full charge. I just feel like we are grabbing ankles to a service that is well below world standards and they need to give us a little back

    • +1

      Understand where you are coming from, but adding complexity is something I am sure they want to avoid especially in the early stages of the product.

      Comparing this to other cities systems which had different pricing setups, when they were introduced, without also acknowledging that most systems had introduction issues is a little unfair.

    • One other difference with the Opal is no 'extra day' on long weekends which the weekly tickets got. We should get two trips added to weekly travel total - cause otherwise no 'reward' free trips that week if you're just doing to-from work Tue-Fri.

    • Men, I'd rather see more places the card can be used, for example for small contactless purchases, like in other world cities that are way ahead of us, rather than tinkering at the edges.

  • You do not actually have to tap off for a PENSIONER OPAL Card, for a $2.50 Pensioner ticket.

    It will automatically "tap off" after 5 hours.

    (It is technically illegal, however).

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