What would make you buy an Xbox One?

software wise its complete, Forza Horizon 2 and Forza 5… its here even though F5 kinda sucks content wise

also i dont feel like paying the same price as the ps4 since its clearly not as powerful as the ps4

sooo… i dont wanna buy an xbox before the ps4 but the software content is there so i suppose we will see what the combo prices are like come xmas

also microsoft are at least good with the updates


  • -1

    Already have a great pc - so dont need to the multiplats for it and most of my friends have an xbone. Prefer halo, gow, crackdown, alan wake over bad copies of halo and tomb raider with a male lead.

    Guess it depends what games you like. If a console is going to be a pc replacement for you, maybe a ps4 would be better if you care about those extra pixels anyway - noting that xbox one has it's new development platform (direct x) coming out relatively soon and the ability to turn the kinnect camera funcitionality off seems to be giving a boost to cpu (which is how destiny made it to 1080p).

    To be honest I'd probably just get what your rl friends have so you can play with them.

    • -1

      Already have a great PC? Then you don't need an Xbone. PS4 you buy for great games that MS clearly don't know how to develop any longer. Need a Halo kick? Play Destiny, the game that Halo was supposed to be.

      • I actually felt the halo 4 story was good, far more character orientated than the generic military scifi bungie had done before (in my opinion anyway). I've never been a huge fan of the pvp aspect of halo, and destiny has a great pve setting, but the actual story/narrative we actually get to experience is lackluster as hell.

        Since I still like Halo, and can also play destiny, thats reason enough for me to get one. But I also really enjoyed the exclusive from last gen, like crackdown 1 and 2 (which never came to pc) and alan wake (which took like 3 years to come to pc), not to mention gears of war etc.

  • +3

    Actual games would make me buy an Xbone. But considering they're throwing all their exclusives on PC, Microsoft let Insomniac keep the rights to Sunset Overdrive, (which increases the likelihood of Insomniac putting it on PS4 by 2016), made Rareware a 'Kinect exclusive company' and aren't utilising its IPs. Ryse is on PC, Dead Rising 3 is on PC, even though both of them aren't any good, they're still not exclusives if they're on PC.

    The monster of the situation is that even full price games are CHOCK FULL of microtransactions. That's right. 80 dollar games are charging me to make progress. Forza, NBA 2K, Ryse, they're all making me buy their currency to make progress and reduce grinding time. And that's just the ones with no Day 1 DLC. It's no secret that the cost to dev for next gen consoles are THROUGH THE ROOF, so the few people producing for it have not mastered their techniques yet, and the content that is there is nowhere near close to the amazing quality titles we had last gen.

    There is no forseeable reason to buy a bone. I'm a big fan of Platinum Games, so Scalebound is the only exclusive game that will stay exclusive that looks any good. So if platinum's Scalebound gets resounding 9's or higher across the board (lol a Platinum Game getting 9s…), then you might see me with a bone. They need more unique titles like this. That's what would make me buy a bone. Not skype capability, not BluRays, I want GAMES. It's supposed to be a gaming console, not a media machine. I wish Microsoft and Sony remembered that.

    The xbone is pushing a hard allegience to shooter and sports games fans. This really disheartens me; they're not giving time during the big conferences to inspirational ideas, or unique concepts. It's all just BANG BANG SPAWTZ! Not being a big fan of either genre anymore due to incredulous oversaturation of the market, I can say there is very little reason to buy one. Ever. Unless you like SPAWWWWWWWTZ!!!!!

    TL;DR - true gaming is dead.

  • When it's $300 I'll get it or when people start selling them second hand

  • +4

    u going to make a new thread on " what will make you buy a wii U"

  • +2

    Halo 5 is good enough reason to buy IMO. that is not far off.

    • It would be a better reason if Halo 4 wasn't comparitively awful.

      Vehicular Escape Sequence featuring awesome music and explosions > Quick Time Event to save da erf.

      • I actually really liked how 343 fleshed out the characters. Felt it was the first halo with a real character driven story.

        • +1

          Personally I thought it was silly that the entire plot of the game is "Cortana is PMSing, also robots".

        • +1

          @FrankMcFuzz: Still better than the complete lack of story in destiny, lol.

        • @RI4V4N: Tru dat.

        • @FrankMcFuzz:

          Destiny will flesh it's story out I think. Not sure if the DLC will go there but likely by the second outing you'll be looking back at the first and saying oh, that's wtf they were talking about. Halo has taken 5 or 6 ooutings to flesh out their terrible story.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: I was actually kind of disappointed in that; the enemies are so interesting, and require a surprising amount of tactics variation to fight them, especially the Vex and Cabal.

          But nope. "Vex turned Mercury into a machine in days". Did they, Bungie? Can I see it? Please?

        • @FrankMcFuzz: tbh I missed most of the story playing coop and talking over the cutscenes complaining about the lack if story with my friends lol

        • @Where's_That_Cake: 'Cutscenes'.

          The stranger shows up, alludes at some awesome conspiracy resistance stuff, disappears again, shows up at the end and is all "You stopped the threat but you didn't. Then the game ends and Paul McCartney sings us all to the moon, EXCEPT HE DOESN'T because the credits don't roll automatically unless you select them from the planet select screen.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: In a trilogy, there are 3 great novels/movies, not one that goes on some totally random tangent about crap all. - Note that I am hating all the more, because the rest of the game is fairly decent, despite its kind of junior version of world of warcraft endgame.

          It could have been amazing, but instead its just alright.

        • @RI4V4N:

          I agree, I'm not much of a fan though I am compelled to keep playing. Just about to hit 28. I hate myself.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: can you get to 28 without raid gear? Been wondering cos I've got the best non raid stuff just haven't fully upgraded it yet

        • @RI4V4N: I think once they are maxed I should break the 100 mark.

  • Doing Coop Raids in Destiny with my 7 year old son was well worth buying two imo. Chose Xbone over ps4 due to Halo MasterChef Collection coming out next month.

  • I'll buy an Xbox One when Microsoft decides to actually invest and create new exclusive first-party IP.

    No, Dead Rising 3 and Ryse don't count when they go to PC within 8 months.

    Minecraft and Rise of the Tomb Raider don't either because they're previously established 3rd party multiplatform franchises which MS decided to buy (and subsequently prevent going to competitor's platforms) instead of putting that money to, hmm, I don't know, new studios and new IP. And RotTR is a timed deal anyway, which makes no sense and is a waste of money.

    Halo is great and so is Gears, but there's got to be more to Xbox than those two, Forza, Fable and Crackdown.

    Sunset Overdrive may change things but comments from Insomniac regarding the future PC version make me doubtful, that and they retain the rights to the IP. Quantum Break could be the next big series but look what happened to Alan Wake going to PC. Scalebound looks good but again, a bought out 3rd party rather than an internally developed Microsoft IP.

    • Imagine if Microsoft made a sequel to Jet Force Gemini or Blast Corps, two things that would fit the "BLOW EVERYTHING UP" market mindset of today and two long-forgotten Rareware IP's that Microsoft, through inheritence, owns the rights to. They just. I dunno. I don't trust Rareware to work on it, do you? After the colossal series of blunders that shows no signs of slowing.

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