App for checking data usage - IOS

May I have some recommendation on apps to check data usage on IOS?

I received data usage alert from Telechoice that I have exceeded my data allowance is (105%). My period ending is 5th October. My monthly allowance is 2 GB.

I usually check emails, FB, twitter and browse the age, oz bargain when not at home( public transport). Don't watch YouTube when 3G is on. Also, videos on FB is switched off.

I never once exceeded my allowance usage of 1.5 GB when I was on Live Connected. (FB and Twitter was free)


  • +2

    Settings -> Cellular -> Scroll down to the list of apps with usage. Applicable to iOS 7+.

    • +1 for this, no need to waste your data by downloading an app to do this for you. It's right there in settings!

  • What brightaussie said, or you can download DataWiz… . It lets you set all your plan details then you can create alerts and all. Very useful and doesn't take a lot of data even on 3G/4G.

  • I won't recommend using iOS inbuilt settings for Optus prepaid. It does not match with Optus data usage. May be, because iOS settings record data usage by KB while Optus charges per MB. I prefer My Data Manager. It is not perfect for Optus prepaid but quite close.

    Your data excess usage can be because of poor network connection in your area. If Telechoice is charging per MB then the data is drained very fast.I had similar problem with Vaya. With Virgin Mobile, I was under control for 250 MB/month while 500 MB in Vaya did not last 20 days despite same Optus network and same usage.

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