Benchtop Water Filter from eBay

Hi all,

I'm thinking of buying a benchtop water filter from eBay as a cheaper alternative to Brita water jugs. We're renting, so can't install an under sink version. Has anyone had any experience with these?

I'm currently looking at these three systems:


Which one should I go for?

Thanks for your help


  • +1

    I've bought 2 underbench systems from magneticworld both very good quality….
    They sent me an email the other day to announce their new Facebook store and 20% off special.
    Which is worth checking out.

  • +1

    All 3 are ok to me.

    The first does let you see how dirty the filters are, but the downside is even one else sees the same, so it's going to look a little gross after time.

    To me the clear ones would be better for under sink, so you can look when you want to rather than seeing them everyday.

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