Looking for: Queensland repair service that will fix a laptop keyboard.

I'm looking for a Queensland repair service shop that will fix a laptop keyboard. As a result I would like personal recommendations for a quick and reliable repair shop in Queensland or preferably the Gold Coast.

Answers that might be helpful:
Where are you? Gold Coast, Varsity Lakes.
What happened to the keyboard?: The keyboard was short circuited by spilling soup onto the keys.
Time frame for getting the keyboard fixed: No longer than 7 days.
What type of laptop: Hp with illuminate keyboard.
Why are you asking ozbargainers?: Because I'm looking for a service that is quick and reliable. Therefore, I'm asking for personal recommendations.

Please note: Other suggestions on fixing the laptop keyboard will be greatly appreciated.


  • Soup… that is impressive. So no recommendations here.

    Depending on how much liquid was spilt, could be damage to the motherboard also = $$

    • The motherboard was of concern when spilling the soup. Although, currently the laptop and trackpad seem to working fine.

  • +1

    Laptop keyboards are one of the easiest components to repair. Well actually, replace, since if the keyboard is dead you need a new one….
    You can most likely do it yourself without even having to undo a screw. It just pops out and is held onto by latches that can be accessed with a plastic card. Read the laptops servicing guide on how to do this.

    What model? Is there a replacement searchable on eBay?

    • Replacement keyboards for the laptop (ENVY 15-j112tx) are available online. However, does replacing a laptop keyboard void the warranty?

      • +5

        Pretty sure the soup spill would have voided the warranty.

        • Hopefully the liquid hasn't made its way past the keyboard otherwise you are looking at possible corrosion on metallic parts.

    • Purchasing and replacing the laptop keyboard seems to be the best option.

  • +1

    Maybe put it in an airtight container with rice in case any liquid has escaped the keyboard.

    • Did that last night, knew that 10kg of rice would come in handy.

      • Keep doing it. For a few nights. The keyboard might come good of its own accord once the moisture is gone.

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