Women: Don't Choose "Key-Hole" Surgery to Remove Fibroids from the Uterus

CBC "The Current" played a woman-made (for women) doco on medical reasons NOT to choose or accept the Subj form of surgery, if there's any chance your surgeon may use a "power morcellator" (fold-up "meat grinder") to "shred" any growth to be removed.

The Current | Oct 15, 2014:
"Health Canada warns surgery using a morcellator could spread undetected cancer, Amy Reed and her husband are fighting to stop the practice - Oct 15, 2014"

While Key-Hole surgery can spare you some scarring & reduce your in-patient time at hospital, the shredding may hide cancer (& enable it to spread through the body).

Johnson & Johnson has removed their morcellator from the market, but some surgeons may still prefer to use it & in a key-hole surgery.

Before you decide which way to go, listen to CBC "The Current" program on one woman's case… from choosing key-hole surgery to hearing she had cancer.

CBC Radio is my choice of Internet Radio / Podcast Fetcher for CBC content.

In case you don't (yet) have it ibstalled, here's a link to the cited program:


  • +7

    The eff is this shit?

  • +1

    If interested, read this articles from Wall Street Journal re the voluntary recall from J&J this year and because of this case

    The point is not about "keyhole" surgery. It is about the use of morcellator on unknown cancerous uterus causing seeding in the abdomen.

    There is no need to panic for gynae patients in oz.

    Would suggest to speak a doctor if there is a concern.

    • Ignore links i wrote above - paid subscription,
      Can read this instead

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