Best Video Camera for around $350 or Less

Need some guidance/advice on a decent camera to buy. Mainly want to use it on a family cruise trip in a couple of weeks, a trip to the us early next year and videoing my boys play sport (mainly cricket).
I have enough myer gift card $$ but not sure of their options and pricing….so happy to go elsewhere.
I am thinking I might be able to take advantage of TRS also.

Not sure if a go pro as mentioned in a prior topic is an option for me?


  • Did you think about DSLR? They can record videos and you can take advantage of shooting photos too

    • Not going to be as good at the ~$350 price tag, bitrate/framerates is going to be lower and most importantly zoom (for Cricket) is going to be insignificant. For DSLR a included kit lens is usually 55mm at most, that's 2X zoom at best, where as you'll find video cameras with equivalent of 300-1000mm or 10X-30X easy.

  • What sort of price would a decent one set me back?

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