Recommendation for swimming pool cover

We are looking for a recommendation for a pool cover for preventing water evaporation, reducing chemical usage, eliminating leaf and dirt debris. Esp during summer all these things contribute a lot to the maintenance cost.

Details about our pool :

Width : 17ft
Height : 33ft
Deep End : 7ft
Shallow End : 3ft
Pool Volume : 79,000 Litre (appro)

Reading few forums many suggest daisypoolcovers ( Microns 500 but not sure about the cost) and cheaper option as 400 Micron ones on ebay.

So looking for your recommendation for swimming pool cover/



  • I bought a cheap one off ebay 10 years ago - was much cheaper than the brand name ones and is still going strong. You will need a roller as well as it is pretty heavy to take on and off. My research at the time revealed they are all pretty much the same, despite what the brand name vendors will tell you. I only use it in summer The main benefit for me is that you don't lose all the water warmth overnight (I have solar heating, which is needed here in Melbourne)

    The important thing I was told is not to store it in the sun and to put a cover over it when not on the pool as if it gets hot it accelerates the deterioration.

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