Current PS4/XB1/Wii U/XB360 Bundle Offers


  • yeah too much all round

    ps4 should be around $400 and the xb1 less than that

    lets wait until the 30th?

  • EB Games:
    -(With Fifa 15):… $529
    -(Without Fifa 15):… $499

    Note: these two bundles do NOT include the Kinect

  • so with black friday over this has been a pretty pathetic sale all round

  • ok i kinda take that back

    the DSE $398 xbox deal is pretty damn decent

    here's what I found funny

    it includes Kinect, not that I'm ever gonna plug that in

    it has 2 codes for Ass Creed which I dont care for either

    so all in, very good deal and almost as good as american sales

  • Do you guys reckon there will be more deals to come?
    I haven't bought a console in a very long time and I haven't been keeping track of when console sales/deals usually appear in the past couple of years. Perhaps closer to Christmas, maybe boxing day there will be more enticing deals?

    • +1

      yep after boxing day will be interesting because microsoft will then decide what their 2015 strategy is

      they should have won November as their pricing and bundles is too good

      if they lost November then they worry

      btw. I'm bored of the Xbox now meh

      Forza 5 is ok, now I gotta buy Horizon

      anyone want Ass Creed, Kinect?

      • Hopefully there will be a few deals in the coming weeks. Really keen to pick up a xb1 but the ass creed and dance central is putting me off. Not the easiest games to sell at the moment.

        • true i mean they are just codes but at the money i paid I could just stuff them back in the box and forget about it

  • Anyone had any luck being able to swap out games in the Target bundle or know what the trade-in value of Drive Club and possibly LBP3 at JB Hifi or EB is?
    Unfortunately, I can't get it from anywhere else - the curse of giftcards :p

    • The trade-in value for Drive Club and LBP3 will be relatively low as these games are included in their PS4 bundles. It'd probably be $20 max (from past experience at JB).

      • +1

        You were right - $20 for LBP which is awful.

        • +1

          Yeah man, awful. The sales person at JB said to wait it out till these games aren't included in their bundles. OR just sell em eBay/Gumtree, you'd probably get more value out of them that way. (I sold DriveClub for $40, sealed)
          Anyways, all the best mate! :)

        • @FaultyMango: this is probably a dump question but any chance of getting JB to give the same bundle as EB?

          The new JB one has really poor games but I got a stack of JB gift cards!

  • hmm for once EB Games looks like they have the best XB1 bundles !

  • Hey guys, I still do not see any bundles that interest me yet, but have a question.
    I currently have $200 worth of JB gift cards and was wondering if JB would price match other store bundle deals as well as creating the same bundle if it is different from other stores?

  • Does EB Games swap games out of their bundle ? THinking of getting the XB1 bundle but would like to swap out Sunset Overdrive for maybe Forza Horizon 2 ? Thanks!

    • if they are discs they may

      codes nah

      • Tried asking at 2 Melb stores today and both said no. Might try some other stores tomorrow or maybe ask JB Hifi if they can do it for me. I think Sunset <-> Forza Horizon is an equivalent swap.

  • So we're a year in from the latest console releases and they're still pushing trash tier game bundles?

    What a joke that you could count the the number of high quality exclusive titles for both consoles on one hand.

    Well they keep including games without increasing prices which is the opposite of what the majority of Ozbargain thought, you'd be a fool to think they won't keep decreasing.

    • You are being downvoted by butt-hurt individuals that can't accept that 'next-gen' only seems to mean "Shinier lighting engines and more particle effects on screen at once at the cost of gameplay" so far

      Kudos for speaking the truth. +1

  • Some OK deals on the Mad Monday sales at EB now. XBO +5 games + $20 XBL credit $499, +7 games, $20 XBL and Kinect $599. PS4 and 8 (!!) games $698.

    Cheap OG 3DSXL bundles, including the Zelda:ALBTW version for $179 and the Super Mario Bros 2 bundle also. Nothing exciting happening for 'new' 3DSXL or Vita as far as I can tell.

  • +2

    My 13 yo son is begging me to get him a PS4 for XMas. He spends way too much time already on his PS3. I dont understand what he will get with a PS4 that he cant already do with a PS3. I know it would have faster components and better graphics but really is that it? Would I be forking out $500+ for some sharper pixels moving about on the TV?

    He tells me that come mid-year his games wont be supported and he wont be able to play with his mates online. Personally that sounds like more time to do homework and play outside to me! Apparently, unlike the PS3 if he gets PS4 he will need to pay a subscription to play online as well? is this true? So I would have to pay to buy a new console, earning me the right to pay them more money for him to be able to use the thing?

    • +2

      'His games won't be supported' that's baloney. You may not get any tech support or as good internet services, but all his games won't just miraculously stop working. They'd be shooting themselves in the foot; not enough people have migrated to PS4 yet, as it is still starved for titles.

      And yes! The PSN subscription is Pay-per-year! This comes at around $50-$80 a year, but has been known to include free or cheap downloadable indie titles each month (Like Octodad and Outlast). On the topic of unnecessary purchases that aren't on the PS3, PS4 and Xbone games rely HEAVILY on In-App-Transactions, Expansion Packs and Season Passes (See Assassin's Creed Unity $100 Macrotransaction, on TOP of the $70 game) in order to make back the money from lack of marketshare.

      Personally, as a long time hardcore gamer, I believe that a console is only as good as the games that are on it. And the PS4 has nothing that seperates it from the droll sequels and rip-offs that the market is drowning in right now. Towards the end of next year, No Man's Sky, Order 1866, Bloodbourne and Uncharted 4 will be out, so the console will be a viable option… But if InFamous isn't your favourite franchise of all time, you're essentially buying a videogame console whose best feature is playing DVDs.

      • i'm probably close to being the worst for 'next gen' justification

        i bought the xbox one because it has 2 of my favourite games on it…

        forza 5 only on one

        forza horizon 2, on 360 and one but i dont want to buy it on 360 as i dont want the worse game experience

        that's you're buying… exclusives and the best version of that game

        right now there's nothing on ps4 that makes me want to part with $500

        assassins creed can die in a fire and i reckon GTA5 will be best on PC so that's no attraction for me

  • So any word on the street regarding Wii u bundles? Should I just bite the bullet and get the MK8 bundle? I was waiting for the skylanders pack to return but think I might be waiting a while.

    If Nintendo were going to bring something out for Christmas wouldn't they have done it already?

    Historically do consoles drop in price after Christmas? I have never taken much notice but I don't think they do?

  • Hey guys, does anybody know if EB Games would match a bundle that is being sold at JB-HI-FI? Reason being i have a $30 gift card voucher at EB :) Thanks!

  • Hey guys any upcoming deals on boxing day for ps4? Thanks

    • +1

      I doubt they'll get any better, should be pretty similar to what's available now. The best deal would've been the recent Dick Smith eBay deal

      • I agree! :)

  • i need ps4 anyone know where i buy cheap?

  • Bloody Nintendo, they never really have embraced any type of sale have they. Mario games especially stay close to full price forever. After a Wii U but they shouldn't be over $400, you can get X1/PS4 for $100 more but with many games. So no word this close to Boxing Day of any Wii U sales?

    • :3 I was at the shop the other day and saw Mariokart Wii, which is 6 years old now, was still $89. So no. No they don't!

      The cheapest Wii-U I've seen recently is the gameless, $300 basic one (At Kmart I think? Target maybe?), which is pretty awful compared to the $250 + 4 games deals that were happening in around April-July.

      I guess now that they've released Bayonetta, Smash Brothers, Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon and Toad around the corner, and announced Star Fox Wii-U, Zelda Wii-U, Metroid Wii-U (Satoru hinted, said a Metroid game on Wii-U was "inevitable",) and Yoshi's Wooly World, that they've assumed that means people want the console now, so they can jack the price back up.

      As amazing and numerous as these games all are, the Wii-U still has little-to-no third party developers…. Except for Sega/'Bigredbutton', and look how that turned out.

      "Sonic Boom, worst videogame of all time"

      With Ubisoft all but denouncing Nintendo after the prolonged development time of Watchdogs Wii-U and atrocious sales, it's only going to get bumpier from here on out.

      • Nintendo just doubled down

        they know they are now niche and wont have 3rd party support so people who buy the Wii, really want the Wii so may as well make them pay

        the basic WiiU should be $199, even $149

        at that price people would take a chance, hell even I might have a look but being priced as niche premium, it has no chance

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