Woolworths Every Day Rewards - crediting of Qantas Frequent Flyer points

Hi all

I have a Woolworths Everyday rewards card.

From time to time, I receive emailed offers of bonus points (say, 200 up to 1,000 points) if I activate the offer and then meet a specific spend criteria in a certain timeframe.

The (measly) base points always turn up in my QFF account within days, but unfortunately, I've had consistent problems actually getting the bonus points credited. Last year, I had 6 lots of bonus points that didn't turn up over an 8 month period, and had to trawl back through offer emails and match them up with online grocery shopping invoices in the matching time period, in order to get the points credited. I was frustrated at the time, that the customer service rep put the onus on me to find the documentation to prove that I was entitled to the points, and couldn't explain why bonus offer points weren't credited for my card.

Another source of frustration is that Woolworths don't provide confirmation of the total number of points (including bonus points) that they credit per order anywhere, so unless you religiously check your QFF activity statement, you'll never really know if they're crediting you what you're entitled to.

After a hiatus, I've taken advantage of 3 bonus point offers in the past 3 months, but no bonus points have arrived. So I suspect the crediting issue is back again, and it's time to do some trawling for documentation!

Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue (either as a one off, or consistently), and how they've dealt with it with Woolworths customer service?

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Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards


  • Yes, experienced this issue, and haven't been bothered to follow up as they always just say, "it'll be credited 7-10 days" and I forgot to check or can't be bothered contacting them again.

  • Yep - had the same issue. I've chased up a couple of offers & I know one lot were credited. Second lot I chased up, I hit customer service up and said it wasn't good enough… He was so generous to offer me 10 bonus points extra… I had to laugh, but still accepted…

  • +1

    Woolworths everyday rewards bonus points are pathetic, frustrating and useless
    Coles Flybuys are 100 times better
    Only time everyday rewards card is worth using is to get special discounts on items or to get emailed offers that give you an immediate voucher if you spend a certain amount
    otherwise forget it

    • +1

      I get a bit overwhelmed with the Coles bonuses.

      You get them with receipts, email and vouchers they send in the mail. I can't keep putting so many bits of paper in my wallet!

      • I agree they are a bit too much, but if you keep up with them and take advantage of all the offers (you need to be organised) you get a good return

  • +1

    Yep i don't bother either except BWS seems to always be credited (but not offered that often to me)
    off topic kinda -nearly up to another $10 off my Coles shop Fly Buys without even trying.

  • Forget the points, I don't even get the fuel vouchers when I shop online. Last time I complained, they made me send them a copy of my cc statement…..since I had a point to prove, I sent them the relevant stuff and they did load them onto my card, but it was like 15 or so vouchers all expiring on the same day.

    Couldn't be bothered doing it again. Although I am contemplating getting a new ER card in the hope it may solve the problem.

  • +1

    Things seem to be complicated at the moment at Everyday Rewards and it can be difficult and frustrating to chase up missing bonus points.

    At the moment the transaction listing in my Everyday Rewards account isn't listing any transactions at all. Sometimes the total points earned each month is changing but I'm sure there are still missing bonus points, but I can't track which ones. I got my 2000 points for starting up an online account but I'm missing the bonus points for the Week 1 coupon. It has now been more than 7 days since week 1 ended so the points should have credited to the account. The only reason I know that the 2000 points have credited is the fact that they popped up in my QFF account.

    There's a new contact method called live chat on the EDR website. I found it a bit frustrating but some people have been able to get good results out of it.

  • +1

    This is all very dodgy… the non-crediting of points seems to be a widespread problem. I would be very interested to know why this is occuring - whether it's a system failure, or something more underhand. I'd assume that most people don't check (given how hard it is to track points), and / or don't bother to follow up points not received (indeed, it's a painful process), so who knows how many QFF points Woolies actually owes people?

  • +4

    Thank you all for highlighting this. Checking thru my QFF statements, the Everyday Rewards indeed DID NOT credit all the points earned. A scandal like Medbank recently.

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