Aldi inflatable water park but just using in garden?…

Hi all,

What do people think if I used this just in the garden. We are hosting Xmas this year and there will be 5 toddlers.
Any one have any reviews of the item


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  • +1

    Toddlers won't appreciate it. Just get a $20 wading pool, and make sure they are continually supervised!

    • agreed. too much effort from experience. did a water party with few kids in my yard. so tired looking after the kid and don't want to pack up after. $279 will be too much - if not packed properly, will be a waste. discolouring if store under the sun. rather buy few water games in Kmart/Big W, similar results. put few drop of detergents to make the things slippery.

      The constant flowing water can ruin

      remember the visa's ad - the toddler prefers to play with the toy box than an expensive toy - priceless.

    • agreed

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