Getting an RSA in Victoria

I work in a small supermarket with a liquor store attached. I don't work in the liquor section, but occasionally people bring alcohol in to me and I sell to them (I always ask for ID if they look young).

I recently found out (correct me if I'm wrong) that I should have an RSA for this. My boss never mentioned this requirement when I started, and I never considered the possibility I could need one because selling alcohol isn't my primary job… and it's a supermarket so it's not like people are consuming it on the premises. I doubt anybody else I'm working with has an RSA either.

I have a few questions I'm hoping somebody can help me with:
1) Do I need an RSA?
2) Could I personally get in trouble for selling alcohol without an RSA, even if the person I sell to is a sober adult? (Could I be fined?)
3) If so, what's the best (cheapest) way to go about getting one in Victoria? I don't have much money and I'd need to cover the expense myself… if I asked my boss about it he'd likely fire me for being a troublemaker. There seem to be a few dodgy companies and I want to make sure the RSA I do is valid.

I'm in Victoria, so it looks like it needs to be face to face training?

I'd really appreciate any guidance from others who have done it!


  • You do need to have an RSA.

    You can get it pretty cheap <$75 and it's only a few hours and they mail the certificate to you.

  • Online certificates are no longer recognized (in Victoria and NSW) so if you see a company that is providing you online tests, they're just scamming you.

    Go to one of the recognized RSA providers on this website or Excel documentā€¦

  • Yes you must have an RSA to perform such duties at work, your management should be all over this law. From my knowledge Victoria is the only state you cannot get and RSA online (via an online course) so you would have to go to a course provider and complete the course.

    Check these out to get a better understanding

  • no point booking an expensive, 4 hour long course, go to the cheapest, quickest place to do it. 99% of it is common sense and boils down to "don't serve alcohol to drunk people".

    also if you need it for your job and are already employed there i would say the onus is on your employer to pay for it anyway

  • the cost of the the RSA would be a tax deduction.

  • if I asked my boss about it he'd likely fire me for being a troublemaker.

    Well he shouldn't, you'd be doing the right thing by asking…. If you ask and he says "don't worry about it" or "you don't need one" fine don't bug him and you can get one if you want to work in a bar or restaurant. To answer your question…

    2) Could I personally get in trouble for selling alcohol without an RSA, even if the person I sell to is a sober adult? (Could I be fined?)

    I don't think YOU could personally. It'd be on your boss/manager for not checking and allowing you to do so.

    I don't see why they shouldn't pay for you to do one… It'd be a tax deduction for them or you. If they can't or won't pay for it do a deal, maybe do it on a day you are going to be working and you still get paid….? Or get them to cover half. One reason for them not wanting to pay is that you might leave after making them pay for it to work in a bar or restaurant where you need one but they won't pay for it….

    I'd say technically you are probably supposed to have one. Though I have a feeling rules might differ for a supermarket/bottle shop maybe because you aren't pouring the alcohol….? Quite a bit of the RSA is to do with how much is a standard drink of wine, beer, spirits etc, then there is the how to deal with drunk people part.

    Are there any other people working with you that you can ask if they have one?

  • You must have RSA to sell prepackaged liquor. I did a course recently as part of my Aged Care Certificate (it was included in my enrolment fee so why not!) I just checked their website and they charge $50.00. I think that's a price that would be hard to beat.

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