Swap Laptop Display for Nicer One

Hi everyone,

So recently I bought my cousin's Samsung laptop for $350. It's a decent little machine, with a quad core AMD CPU, dual Radeon graphics (APU graphics + dedicated card), 12GB of RAM and a 750GB Hard Drive. The one thing driving me nuts, is the 1366x768 TN panel. The resolution is sharp enough, but the panel is absolutely awful. It washes out at all but one VERY SPECIFIC angle. I was wondering, is there a way I could swap it with a 1080p IPS panel meant for a different PC? I mean come on, there's gotta be at least one that's compatible, right?


  • Depends. Got the specific model on you?

    • I do, it's a Samsung 305v5a-t04au

      • +4

        One way to tell what will be compatible is to basically take the laptop apart and look at the backside of the LCD panel. There is a model number at the back which will give you more information on what sort the displays the laptop may support.

        The other method is to find a service manual which will list what parts are compatible with your model. These things are bloody hard to find, because they're usually only meant for laptop repair technicians, not for public downloading for the average joe.

        You could also try contacting these guys

        They look like they deal with LCD replacements and they may know what type of LCD you need to look for.

        Also, the LVDS connectors are not standardized, meaning that a Samsung specific connector could be different from that of an LG one. Some laptops have varying numbers of inverters (1, 2, or none), for e.g one model may use dual CCFL backlighting and another model may use LED backlighting which does not have an inverter connection. So that's why it's really difficult to find a compatible panel, due to variations and non-standardisation.

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