Kogan Pantry - online grocery shopping

Guys & Gals,
It is 5 minutes into 30th January 2015 already and Kogan Pantry is now 5 minutes old.

Ruslan is certainly keen on fulfilling his 2015 resolutions. He's off to a great start !

Some blurbs from news sites:

ONLINE retailer Kogan is aiming to shake up the space dominated by Coles and Woolworths with the launch of a grocery delivery site.

Founder Ruslan Kogan, who started the business in 2006 selling televisions online, said the supermarket space was crying out for more competition.

Kogan Pantry launches on Friday with more than 600 non-perishable products from brands including Dove, Heinz and Gillette.

Mr Kogan said a direct relationship with suppliers, combined with a sophisticated online sales model, meant the site could undercut its competitors.

He said a sample basket of 35 popular household groceries cost less than half of what they would at Coles or Woolworths. Kogan’s delivery fee is capped, although some items are limited to single-unit purchases

…and more on internet via Google/duckduckgo

Shipping is capped at $9.99. Could be less depending on item(s)

Will this be another COTD/GroceryRun-like site, where it is usually worthwhile when item is heavily discounted or you get free shipping, remains to be seen…


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