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New 250 GB PS3 bundles JB Hi-Fi $599 with FIFA 10


JB HI FI offering new PS3 bundles including FIFA 10, Quantum of Solace, Final Fantasy Blue Ray Disk and HDMI cable. Alternatively they also have a Tekken 6 bundle. Check out http://www.jbhifionline.com.au/game/consoles.htm

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

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  • +1

    You're going to need to quote prices in the title, and more detail in the description.

  • what he said.

  • the retail price for this model (due 3rd nov) is US$349, (a little cheaper at BestBuy/NewEgg/Amazon) — at current exchange rates that’s about AU$387, then add a newest release title or two for ~$50US.

    the catch is, most of the retailers don’t ship them internationally, but if you have a local friend there, you can easily get them to send it on — I wonder has anyone here costed shipping to Oz?

    • have you heard of this site?

      I've noticed you've posted this comment on several bargains for the past week.

      I heard of this site the last time the Aussie dollar was good against the US dollar, last year.

      EDIT: This is the specific costing for a PS3 purchase that was made recently from the site:

      • actually not exactly the same comment, the two were for different models and different prices, but the question amounts to the same thing, albeit the shipping for the 80GB would be quite a bit higher than the new 250GB model.

        thanks for the tip on PriceUSA escrow service, I didn't know about them — a pity their charges are pretty steep — buying a PS3 from the USA saves ~$200 off RRP, EMI shipping+insurance adds ~$80, plus PriceUSA charges ~$75. total landed price around $544.

        that's still $50 below the local price we're gouged with, but nothing to rave about once you factor in the BluRay and possible warranty drawbacks.

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