Where to purchase grass fed Meat (Penrith/Western Suburbs)?

Can an Ozbargainer recommend a butcher's shop near (0km-20km) Penrith, that sells grass fed meat?



  • I suspect going by the amount of grain fed beef around compared to the amount of feedlots that a lot of the grain fed beef is grass fed anyhow.Cattle used to be grain fed to get thru droughts etc but now they are fed grain to increase the price with no real benefit to the consumer.(great marketing tell the customer it's better and they will pay more)

  • As I understand it, most beef is grass fed until 30/60/90 days before slaughter when it is moved to a feedlot to bulk it up and get more fat in it. For the farmer, they rather keep it on grass as long as possible, as it is cheaper for them, but longer in a feedlot produces meat with fat marbling. Take a look at a cut of beef in Japan or the USA to see what pure grain fed beef raised in a pen looks like! I actually feel a little ill seeing beef that looks like streaky bacon with so much fat in it!
    Any local butcher, as opposed to the supermarket, will be able to talk to you about the provenance of their meat.
    Apart from beef, you will find lamb is almost all purely grass raised, and pork and chicken, of course, is fed grain.

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