Cake Stall Experts - Whats Your Cheap & Easy Contribution?

Everytime we have a school cake stall, I wonder about a great cheap and easy thing to make.

I usually make a no-bake slice or decorated cupcakes.

Does anyone have a go-to easy item that doesnt cost much?

Thanks ahead for any suggestions!


  • +1

    those corn flakes or rice bubbles things that people use to make

  • anzac or chocolate chip cookies

    hedgehog or rocky road

    carrot cake (using oil so no butter melting)


  • Sultana, date, plain scones

    Lamingtons if you have the time and patience

    Muffins,choc chip, apple, blueberry, banana


  • Chocolate hot cross buns.

    Fruit tarts.

    Parfait cups. All you need are frozen mixed berries, yoghurt, rolled oats and little cups.

    Also chocolate mousse, easily made using electric beater and be made in large amounts. No baking required.

    • +4

      Most OzBargainly answer so far. lol

  • +2

    I stopped donating to Cake stalls when they introduced paperwork which required you to list ingredients, time baked and who did the cooking.

  • coconut ice, chocolate crackles, caramel slice or those rum balls (minus the rum!) with crushed weetbix or biscuits, shredded coconut, cocoa and condensed milk very easy to make :-) Or the little patty pan toffee's with hundreds and thousand's sprinkled on top

  • +2

    I buy a packet of lamington fingers from the supermarket and put it on a plate for my daughter to take to school to donate. Easy as!

    • BUT if I really wanted to make an effort… lol I would make fairy bread. The kids love it!

      A loaf of sliced bread, butter and hundreds and thousands. Cut into triangles.

  • Can't get much simpler than shortbread.

  • +1

    Lately there are $2 packet cake mixes on sale at supermarkets. Easy to hand mix and bake for 45 minutes. Add things like sultanas or choc bits or shredded coconut etc to make it different. Sometimes they include icing as well.

    • Packet cakes are just expensive flour and sugar.
      Adding the dry ingredients is pretty quick and easy, and there is no reason not to use generic flour, sugar etc.

  • Thanks everyone - all excellent advice! - off to the kitchen for me :D

  • Call in sick - don't answer the door & spend the day out of sight munching on bought food that hasn't had to have you stressing about cooking in the first place to keep up with the " Mega Mums - always in their own minds anyway "
    These women need to gain a life of their own - instead of playing grownup bullying to the other ladies at the school run as they probably played as children themselves at school trying to be No. 1 popular. Times have changed.

  • LOL! When youre thrifty by nature, you never make it with the mega-mums, and you never want to :)
    Those people are free to be that way, Im just trying to get the best value out of my dollar and my time.
    But youre right about spending the day inside munching on food yum yum!

  • I don't know about a popular seller, but I would make SCORCHED peanut brittle. Plain peanut brittle is boring and always too sugary on the teeth. But they don't make scorched peanut bars anymore. I loved them, but didn't buy for years. Then suddenly they were gone! Put up a sign with SCORCHED in large, coloured, capital letters - and underlined.

    Even: "Not your boring-old Peanut Brittle - SCORCHED Peanut Brittle!"

    • Schools have a No Nut Policy these days. No nuts allowed as children can die from a nut allergy.

      • +2

        Our government needs the same policy.

      • +1

        School policies vary, our school allows nuts (reasoning: the real world is not nut free)

  • I ended up making a huge batch of caramel popcorn and put it in nice cello bags (50 for $2.50 from our $2 shop)
    Thought Id try and use ingredients I already had - big hit!

    • Well done on not chickening out of the event. Pleased it all went well. Now start planning for the next one -AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
      + always remember that the other mums little darlings cannot tolerate ??!!//??., foods as Mummy has told them so & will tell you as well.

    • +1

      How come it's $2.50 at the $2 shop? Lol

  • PS it was just a last minute 'why dont we make some cakes for the last day of school?' - they made $920!! :0
    thanks everyonbe for your help - youre right goosegog, just gotta remember all this for next time!

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