Stream TV from STB to Non-Smart TV - Best and Cheapest Way?

Son does not have a TV socket in the bedroom.
Internal antennas are useless and cannot get (another) external fitted (rental, landlord objects).
Too awkward to run a cable of any sort

There are remote TV wireless receivers/transmitters, but used to have one and they are not that good. Newer ones may be better (I think some use HDMI rather than AV), but are quite expensive. He has Netflix now, but terrestrial would be good (for sports mainly)

Lots of devices around now, so is there anything we can plug into STB near the TV socket and receive remotely on the TV. Both have HDMI.

I think not, but maybe you guys know of something.



  • Wireless hdmi may do okay

    Why not just run an antenna out the window? Why cant you just clamp it, or rest it in a place out of the elements??

  • Internal antennas are useless

    User error?

    Also in rental here and have no issues with standard bunny rabbits (not the powered kind), all channels without issue. Just have them high up out of traffic areas (on top shelf of cupboard for example)

    • At college I had some $20 arlec powered ones from bunnings. I wouldn't use them with power, but just put them up on the window sill and extended them as far apart as possible. Even with the double brick building (on any side) it could get tv signal. Many of my friends bought them too.

      • Yep, do the same thing with mine. 1 set in the living room on top of an a/c unit, 1 in the bedroom in the top shelf of the cupboard. No issues whatsoever. Just have them straight out and opposite each other, no weird angles :)

      • these are the ones i have.

        • These are same idea as mine, and that's all I have running to a 40" TV :)

        • @Spackbace: defintley looks like a better deal. I'm not even sure if the amplifier works with digital tvs :/

  • Thanks for replies.

    I have bought antennas and none work.
    Not sure how user error comes into it. Even poorly set up you would get some reception, but the only channel was the community one.

    If you can get a signal with a cheap antenna, then you have a strong signal and nothing much is required. If you get no signal, no internal antenna is likely to work and buying them to try is a pain as there is usually grief taking them back.

    No worries, was really looking for alternatives


    • Not sure how user error comes into it. Even poorly set up you would get some reception, but the only channel was the community one.

      With digital you either get signal or you don't, it's not like you're just going to get a fuzzy picture. So yes, user error can very much come into it if the aerial isn't aimed properly

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