Diploma in Financial Planning - RG146 Accreditation


I am currently looking to find a job in banking industry and have been advised that RG146 is a great qualification to have.
Can someone advise me a cheap place that provides RG146 or Diploma of Financial planning online?
I have done fair bit of study into it and think all I need is an assessment and some online material.

I will be paying for the qualification as I don't want to go through the whole HECS thing.

Any other feedback on how to get a job in a bank is also appreciated.


  • Hi DS2k,

    Good question. In the interest of full disclosure, I should say that I currently work for Mentor Education.

    You mentioned that you're looking for a 'cheap' place that provides RG146. 'Cheap' is somewhat relative so I don't know if you would necessarily classify our courses as 'cheap'.

    That said, the retail price on our online Diploma Of Financial Planning is $1890.00 AUD. There are also a number of payment plan options available if you wish to study for your Diploma Of Financial Planning by breaking it down into components.

    In terms of our DFP versus others on the market, we're Australia's largest privately owned Financial Services training and have been around for 10 years - so we definitely know what we're doing.

    RE: getting a job in the banking industry, a lot of our graduates have successfully landed positions with the big 4 banks and leading financial services institutions.

    If you'd like to find out more, you can hop on our website http://www.mentor.edu.au or give one of our course advisers a call on 1300 306 146.

    Hope that helps!

    Mike Sill
    Communications Manager
    Mentor Education

  • This is interesting.
    @Mike, whats duration of this course and its online/on campus?. I was looking for course for a friend who was looking to do some course before searching for job.

  • Hi cnimic, thanks for your question. The course can either be completed online or face to face from one of our workshop locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane.

    Students have 12 months to complete the course online but an average completion time is between 3 - 6 months with an estimated time of completion to be 80 - 100 hours dependent on the individual undertaking the course.

    The face to face workshops take 9 days to complete and 25 to 30 hours needs to be aside outside of class for completion of assignments.

    Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a Diploma Of Financial Planning certificate and full RG146 accreditation so you will be qualified to launch your career in the Finance Industry.

    Mike Sill
    Communications Manager
    Mentor Education

  • I did my diploma at TAFE, if financial planning or stockbroking is what you are looking to get into then yes it'll be your ticket in, or just anything entry level such as a bank teller and from experience, avoid the latter (it's a sales position without the commission, without a willing client base and more demands).

    Anything more specialised or corporate/investment you will struggle as they look for nothing less than a degree. You can move up within a bank or start in one and after a couple years start applying elsewhere.

    If financial planning is the path you are after I would suggest avoiding banks altogether, try getting into a financial planning company or AMP; they offer graduate programs every year, decent pay, hard work but pays off.

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